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In the manufacturers quest to make larger steam locomotives negotiate tighter curves we often suffer with ridiculously large gaps.  So if you have broader curves than 054 it's time to get rid of that gap.


Here's a LionMaster T1 with a ridiculous chasm.  It drove me absolutely crazy.  Forefront is the beginnings of a new loco drawbar made from aluminum.  A shorter tender drawbar wasn't deemed necessary.   The new one required more tweeking than you see here, all the while taking into consideration the alignment of the tetherless components and free movement.


I chose to fashion the connecting tang pointing up.  In that way the tender, easier to maneuver, is connected after the engine is placed on the track.  Because of the close quarters this change was necessary.  It's pretty much as close as possible now without modifying the tender drawbar.   Of course this means no more 031 curves.   It performs fine on my layout where 072 is the minimum.  With the original drawbar retained all can be returned to factory specs in about 20 minutes.  BTW...the original drawbar pictured is shown upside down from it's as installed position.


I wasn't sure where to post this.



Last edited by brwebster
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