Lionel did a great job bringing the streamlined Hiawatha and Commodore Vanderbilt to Standard Gauge, but there hasn't been a decent SG Hudson since the Liberty Lines 600E in the 1980's, and they are rare as hen's teeth. Picking up the Harmon line, I really didn't like the reuse of Challenger parts to make shorter engines, so I've taken a shot at reinventing the Harmon Hudson (see photos). This first one is using a customer provided Hiawatha tender, but it looks good with the shortened Harmon tender as well. Notice the extended cab roof, shorter sand dome, and the redesigned front end without the Challenger 'porch' and misaligned stack. I'm pretty happy with the look and lines of this, the first 'standard' non-streamlined Hudson since the 600E.
Let me know what you think. Will display at the SGMA Breakfast at York at the Fairgrounds restaurant (7:30 - 9 am Friday.)