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I put my Nikon Coolpix S6200 in video mode and set it on a gondola and used my MTH GP35 to push it around the layout.  All the track is FasTrack O72 inside curves, O84 outside.  One scale mile around the loop.  Elevation 0 to 6". All the rolling stock is MTH Premier.  Big Boy 4013, AC4400 and a GP35.


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Originally Posted by jmiller320:

The room size is 28' X 15'.  There is about three more feet on the side with the yard that is briefly shown from a distance.  I moved the yard lead at the bottom to the other side of the crossover.  



Picture didn't come through on this one, unless it's re-posted below this post. Picture is fine in the next post after this one.

That did seem awfully quiet for Fastrack. I also like the track plan and was hoping jmiller320 would post a track plan if he has one (also hoping he has one ). I want to expand my layout and this is really right along the lines of what I think I want to do. I really like the way this layout curves around and goes between two different levels, is also a double track main and I also really like the bridge. Very nice, I like it.



Here it is in a jpg and pdf file.


If you ever want to create these files, here's how I do it.


For the jpg file, from the File menu in RR-Track select Export, then to 'Windows BMP' (it's the only selection). It will create a windows BMP file which I think you can post here as is? I then loaded it into Irfan View and saved it as a .jpg


For the .pdf, I use Bullzip pdf printer, a free pdf print utility (there are many other that are free and work similar to this one). Just select Print from the File menu in RR-Track, then choose 'Landscape' or 'Portrait' (mine always defaults to Portrait, so no selection is needed if I want Portrait) in the print setup, then select full page, then select print. Make sure Bullzip (or whatever you have chosen to use) is selected as the printer and then print it. Bullzip will ask where to save the file, select wherever you want and that's it.

basement lower end


Images (1)
  • basement lower end
Files (1)

That was a terrific video, thanks for posting and sharing.  The layout looks to be coming along nicely.  I'd give my eye teeth to have your size of a room for a layout.  I have 12 X 15 with a double door at one end which really screws things up.  Still trying to figure out some type of a track plan but not having much luck.  Your rock work and bridges looked really good.  Keep up the good work.

I seem to have left my camera in a safe place so I could find it later.  Trouble is I can't remember where that place is.  These are some of the still photo's of the progress I have made.  I built this retaining wall using a couple back splash tiles that I soaked in a solvent to dissolved the glue and laid the bricks one at a time around the curved area.  The larger blocks are another type of back splash tile that I cut down and applied to a straight section.  I plan to stain this with a wash to make it darker.  I added a turnout to run a split siding under the double bridges.  I just started that project the other day.  The othe pictures show the extended yard area.  I now have a little over 46' of yard track and ten turnouts and I added a O36 return loop at the back of the yard.  My GP35 can go around it and some of the larger cars can be pushed around it it they are not coupled to the engine.  I have a couple light towers and switch towers to install, so maybe over the Christmas break I can get some work done.20150825_20475820150825_20480120150829_21374920150829_21380120151122_21522520151122_21524220151207_20545520151207_20554420151207_20561820151207_20572220151207_20575020151207_212604


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My track rises up six inches.  The clearance under the bridge is 5 3/4 inches.  The clearance above the track is only 5 1/8 inches.  A double Stack hits the bridge.  The incline starting under the bridge to the top of the bridge is 21 feet long.  Somewhere around 2.38%.  The other grade is a little longer and goes up two inches in four foot lifts.  The total length is 26 feet.  It goes up 2" in 48" levels off for five feet, goes up two inches in 48 inches, levels off for eight feet and climbs the last two inches in 48 inches.  The bridge incline are Woodland Scenic Risers that I covered with a piece of 1" green foam board to cover the voids in the risers.  The other side risers are made out of 24" X 48" Styrofoam that I had taper cut from 0" to 2", 2" to 4", and 4" to 6".  I found a company that makes foam insulation and asked them to cut the blocks.  The sic inchh high area of my layout is made with 6" Styrofoam blocks.   Some were 6 X 6 X 12 and some are 6 X 12 X 48.  The rest is pink, blue or green foam insulation boards I picked up at one of the big box stores or from construction site dumpsters.

Last edited by jmiller320

Nice layout JIM.  A question for you?  I have a 15 x 16 foot layout and have 3 large loops going around it.  I would like to put switches in and have the first two loops interchange and take one train and switch it to each others tracks.  Besides the four switches I need, what do you power this with?  I am using fast track and have a 180 watt brick on each loop.  Do I leave it the same and just put in the switches, or do I need to change things?  Thanks for your time.

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