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If you are one to remove and replace rail into plastic tie strip you know the hassel of having ties cock a tad and hang up the rail, sometimes frequently. 


Something to consider: 

Place the strip of ties you are working on between two lengths of same brand flex track and interlock the tie ends like a jig saw puzzle or individual shop mat pads. 


Place an outside curb at the outter edge of the two side pieces of track  then slide away.  it will make your job much easier.


You can also just work on one side at a time and just interlock that one edge as shown in photos.


Works on curved track also, just spike or tape a precurved piece of flex track in desired radius and place subject tie strip interlocked adjacent to it.  After using your Fast Track rail roller to get the desired radius, just slip it in.  Always dress up a cut edge to ease the insertion. tt

8.17 005

8.17 001


Images (2)
  • 8.17 005: Side by side interlocking tie placement to facillitate rail R & R
  • 8.17 001: Use heavy steel  straight edges  or fasten lattice strip for curbing.
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