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Hey Guys,

I have an MTH GP35 locomotive that I run on my Lionel Legacy layout. The unit has sound but no smoke. There is a vendor (RoyZ Trains) that sells a smoke unit. However, the owner is not sure if his unit would fit in the locomotive.

Has anyone successfully done this install? If so, any tricks/tips/gotchas that I need to know?

Perhaps if the RoyZ unit does not work, is there some other vendor that would sell a smoke unit for that locomotive?



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As with any technical question, we need your engines product number.

MTH sells a standalone smoke unit from PS1 upgrades. https://www.mthpartsandsales.c...ts/240?type=products

Being an MTH engine, I would stay MTH as in theory that makes mounting and so forth a heck of lot easier.

Also if I search for smoke and GP I get a listing of smoke funnels, just not specific to the GP-35.

But the truth is, there simply may not be room from the factory, plus we have no idea what electronics you might have and space or room. And, depending on what electronics determines what smoke unit would be ideal- a standalone track powered or PS2/PS3 smoke unit powered from the smoke output on the electronics.


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More research on this, they only made Premier GP-35, and they would have had smoke as a PS2. Example 20-2903-1

Again, based on a search, they made these first in 2008, making it a PS2 3V, and then later as PS3 versions.

So my question is, what electronics are you running, who modified this thing in the first place and REMOVED the original smoke unit?

That's just what the research is telling me- we have a unicorn here.

Most diesels use a tall legged unit that there are 2 matching screw holes in the frame

Again, if this has PS2 or PS3  electronics, then the above style is in theory what you need, however, if say someone made it ERR TMCC, first we have a room problem, and then the standalone style I linked in the previous post is more correct but takes up more room because of the circuit board required to run it.


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ok - so it sounds like the advice is to no pursue this at this point. Am I reading that correctly.

If you bring it to the right tech who knows MTH stuff and parts, they basically would be putting it back near stock. Being an MTH, it's mechanically more ideal to put an MTH smoke unit from the mounting perspective.

Again, just have no idea what you have from a technical standpoint. Is this a stripped down unit converted to TMCC by somebody that removed the original smoke unit?

Is this just a case of no smoke fluid or not turned on and possibly burned wick why it doesn't smoke?

To answer all of the above questions, the MTH locomotive I purchased never had a smoke unit. I don't recollect if I purchased it via eBay, or directly from MTH - but as I said, it never had a smoke unit. Also, the locomotive simply worked by assigning it as a TMCC locomotive using the Lionel provided memory module. The couplers work, the bell works, the horn works and the crew talk also works.

To answer all of the above questions, the MTH locomotive I purchased never had a smoke unit. I don't recollect if I purchased it via eBay, or directly from MTH - but as I said, it never had a smoke unit. Also, the locomotive simply worked by assigning it as a TMCC locomotive using the Lionel provided memory module. The couplers work, the bell works, the horn works and the crew talk also works.

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, I want to help, but something is not adding up.

As I said, according to research, MTH produced GP-35 in Premier, not Railking, starting in 2008. From the factory, if it had PS2 or PS3 it would have smoke.

However, this statement: "Also, the locomotive simply worked by assigning it as a TMCC locomotive using the Lionel provided memory module."

That contradicts the fact that it is an MTH locomotive. Especially the memory module part!!!!

I could see someone upgrading to ERR modules for TMCC, but that normally does not include a matching memory module specific to the loco.

How about some pictures of the actual loco, some details with the shell off, or bottom side or something??

This is strongly suggesting it's not an MTH engine or we have some inconsistent details.

Its not a GP35, its a GP9, that someone at some point has converted to TMCC. The 3 boards on the motherboard are for sound, the radio receiver and the motor driver. Could you put something in there that allows a smoke unit? Probably, but at the point where you go through the effort to put in a smaller package such as ERR and buy a smoke unit, the appropriate manifold, etc.. (a solid $250 in parts) and get it all installed you can probably just buy a locomotive with a smoke unit in it..

The previous advice was sound.  The parts to do this job will be right around $300, that would be the boards and the smoke unit.  Add in around $150 at least for labor to do the complete transition, and you have the money for a brand new engine.  You can also sell this one to recoup some of the cost.  It makes no sense, at least to me, to try to force this issue.

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