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It's an easy, common mod done by many to replace the red jewel "taillight" on the roof of the O gauge RTR P.E. starter set observation car with an led but I haven't noticed this mod mentioned for the S gauge P.E. observation car. Ha anyone done this for S gauge? Albeit, considerably smaller than it's O gauge counterpart, how easy is it to remove that red jewel taillight on the PE observation car roof, drill out the "socket" it rests in and put an led in its place? Are there leds small enough to do this mod? If so, what size drill would be used to bore out the socket to fit an led, what size led would be used, and to power it could the wiring from the led be piggybacked onto the wiring of the cars interior lights?

I'm thinking this added touch would add significantly to the observation car's appearance.

Last edited by ogaugeguy
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I bought an eBay kit to do this on my O gauge observation car.  The original jewel lens is easily popped out with the tip of an Exacto knife blade tip. If I recall correctly, the hole is 1/16". The trick is to slightly angle the hole down so you don't punch a hole through the top of the car. I painted the inside of the hole flat black to ensure the light doesn't show through. 

I plan to do this when we get our S gauge PE set.  But it needs to be a steady red light.  If you want the movie where they are on the roof,  you can see the red beam shining rearwards and its just a steady red beam, not moving or flashing.  If it was a flashing light, it would have been a Mars or Gyralight style oscilating light in a heavyweight observation coach.  I am going with steady as that is how it looked in the few movie shots of the tail coach.  Really wish Lionel would do up proper add on's like the O scale line got like figures and more add on cars than the 2 they have done thus far.     Mike

artfull dodger posted: Really wish Lionel would do up proper add on's like the O scale line got like figures and more add on cars than the 2 they have done thus far.     Mike

The O gauge add-on cars are very nice. Lionel; since it hasn't been done yet, why not put the hobo on the S scale observation car like in the movie? Add the rear light and you'll have a real winner.

FWIW, I added this Dept 56 item to the roof of my PE cars.

Last edited by Gilly@N&W

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