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All Gauge Toy Train Association Of San Diego Presents Its Annual Holiday Open House & Toy Train Meet

SATURDAY, December 9th, 2017

9:00 Open to the Public
11:00 ­ 2:00 Lunch Available
1:00 Giant Raffle


6556 Park Ridge Blvd., San Diego ,Ca 92120

Food & soft beverages AVAILABLE
Over 100 tables of Model railroad ,Toy Trains, Vintage Toys.
Lionel ,American Flyer ,LGB ,Marx, Thomas the Train , MTH
O , S ,HO ,G, N Scale ,Standard Gauge Wide Gauge etc

Last edited by bigolddogs
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Just got back from this event and it was a blast. It was nice to be able to take a brief break from the non stop natural disasters occuring in So. Cal. this week. Beautiful day, a great venue and lots of members and guests in attendance. I had a table outside clearing out some things that I just didnt want. I came home with empty totes and made a lot of folks happy with give away prices. My strategy when I sell at a club meet is...this stuff was paid for a long time ago...time for others to enjoy it...and nothing comes back home with me. 

I would encourage anyone living in So Cal. to seriously consider being a member of this very well run club.

It was great also meeting finally long time forum members Captian Cog and CP Bob.


Last edited by John Meyncke

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