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Personally I'm not into fantasy engines and wouldn't buy one, but whenever Lionel does another run of the Alleghenies, if they keep with their current production philosophy, there probably will be a fantasy paint scheme. Anyone want to speculate or lobby for an Allegheny fantasy scheme? I can't imagine orange and silver like the fantasy Greenbrier. Yellow/blue/gray diesel passenger scheme with script lettering? Blue/yellow diesel freight scheme?

I'm asking the question because I think a fantasy scheme is inevitable. Lionel appears to come up with these schemes entirely in-house so it would be good if they had some potential customer input, that is if Lionel reads this Forum.


A fantasy blue/gray/yellow Allegheny might be more likely than a Yellowbelly/Chessie Allegheny.

Or maybe they'll do a fantasy black and yellow striped Virginian model.

While I also don't really care for the fantasy schemes (unless they're tasteful like the Conrail 4-8-4 T-1), I missed out on the 2016 run and wouldn't mind another run with Bluetooth and the 5 whistle/bell features.

Another Legacy Allegheny would be cool with me. I sold off the JLC one a few years ago and kind of regret it. I really didn't like the whistle. For those that don't know, the first scale Allegheny from 1999 or whenever was nothing like the JLC which came out in 2005. Sort of the same deal with the first scale bug-eyed Big Boy.  The 1999 Allegheny had a really decent whistle though!

In my case, I run conventional for postwar Lionel stuff.   But mostly enjoy running new Lionel with the orange remote using bluetooth because I do not have any kind of other system, I'm still conventional control.  I just built this layout over the last couple of years so I never bought or used a Legacy system.   I thought about it and the whole Cab3 thing started 2 years ago and I've been waiting like many others.   SO, for me Bluetooth is important otherwise I have to be conventional.  I prefer the remotes of course.

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