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021FD928-8FBE-40D9-872D-CAFA94C3E995FC69DDDF-BE8A-4F06-87A6-8ACA672C4164E916B45A-DD46-4B8E-BC62-965AD0E08FE7B978E556-D09C-4795-B63E-2C47455654EFHello, thought I would post just Incase there is a way to make or connect a harness to get this to work. My lionchief polar express pcb board failed. 6-84328. So I thought I’d upgrade it with Bluetooth 5.0 so the kids could do live stream and record their own voice announcements.  So I ordered the 5.0 board.  Set p/n is 6-85417. Everything works great except the announcements do not come through. Turns out I need a harness for the two ports on this board that are not on the original.  I’m assuming they go to the tender?  One is a 5 pin and one is a 4 pin.   I have two wires going to tender currently.

I can order the drawbar from the 5.0 version but looks like still just two wires to tender.  Not sure where those two would go or if anyone has a Bluetooth 5.0 that shows where they go.

The harness is not available through Lionel parts. But maybe if I know where it goes could make one?


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  • 021FD928-8FBE-40D9-872D-CAFA94C3E995
  • FC69DDDF-BE8A-4F06-87A6-8ACA672C4164
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  • B978E556-D09C-4795-B63E-2C47455654EF
Last edited by Sparty1225
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They DO NOT go to the tender- they are programming headers!!! NEVER plug into them.

@Sparty1225 posted:

  I’m assuming they go to the tender? NO, they do not.

One is a 5 pin and one is a 4 pin.  

I have two wires going to tender currently.- Correct, because only the speaker is in the tender

I can order the drawbar from the 5.0 version but looks like still just two wires to tender.- Correct

  Not sure where those two would go or if anyone has a Bluetooth 5.0 that shows where they go. Nothing plugs into them except at the factory for programming.

The harness is not available through Lionel parts. But maybe if I know where it goes could make one? You do not need one.

If you connected with the app, validate that the volume control for announcements is fully up. There is no switch, no setting, and no wiring harness that would turn off announcements but allow other sounds.

Correction- by setting, I meant via switches or on/off "setting".

Yes, under Lionchief app over bluetooth, there are individual volume controls for the categories. The board can and does retain that volume control even when then used by the remote- hence to reset or adjust an engine- best to use the app.

Lionel Lionchief Plus 2.0 Genesis Diesel Sounds | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum

Edit, added annotated diagram of board connections.



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Last edited by Vernon Barry

Vernon, you are a treasure on this forum!!!!

You are 100% right.  I was on the phone with Lionel checking if I needed a harness for those ports while retesting it with the app earlier before posting.  So I was using my iPad maybe something was goofy there or maybe like you said I reset the volume.   I just tried it with my phone after reading you response and it works.  Awesome!!! Thank you so much for your help!!

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