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Let the train season begin!

Delivered to our shop and processing orders NOW!  Boy do these look great!

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  ARRIVED 7/22/22!  Price $1249.99 each.  Call / Email / or order online.                                        ⇓  Ordering Info below  ⇓

Long live the ROCK!!


The fun never stops!  We are super excited to be releasing this engine!  This particular locomotive has a fascinating history.  Today it is currently cosmetically preserved and on display in Peoria, IL. at the "Wheels O'Time Museum" courtesy of the Rock Island Technical Society.

CRI&P #886 as preserved

Acquired by the society in 1984, it has been lovingly looked after by its members.  This engine is one of only three Rock Island steam locomotives still around.

From the Rock Island Technical Society website on #886;  "The last Rock Island steam-powered train to leave Peoria was hauled by #886, which the railroad agreed to donate to the city, but it was discovered too late that the engine had already been scrapped. The railroad still had an identical engine, #887, which they simply repainted as #886."

Our version, with the help of MTH, will have a finished look as delivered by ALCo to the Rock in 1909.  We have requested that this engine come with the long tender, instead of the short one, as we have offered with the Q's engine.

Equipped with all the PS 3.0 features you are accustomed to.  Smoke out the top, wheels on the bottom, goes "ding-ding" and "woo-woo".  Price $1250.

4-6-2 RI Pacific

The above picture is in our collection.  We purchased this picture from the bay.  It was part of a larger selection from the Roger Graham Collection of Stillwater, MN.

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Now accepting orders online:



Images (19)
  • Screenshot 2022-10-21 175339
  • Screenshot 2022-10-21 175047
  • Screenshot 2022-10-21 175221
  • Screenshot 2022-10-21 172959
  • Screenshot 2022-10-21 172842
  • Screenshot 2022-10-21 172323
  • Screenshot 2022-10-21 172426
  • Screenshot 2022-10-20 183728
  • Screenshot 2022-10-20 183624
  • 701f4a942dbe26e1c64cec6dbc076fa2
  • 4-6-2 RI Pacific
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200243
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200553
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200438
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200008
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200514
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200331
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200634
  • Screenshot 2021-07-09 200716
Last edited by Berwyns Toys and Trains
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Our version, with the help of MTH, will have a finished look as delivered by ALCo to the Rock in 1909.  We have requested that this engine come with the long tender, instead of the short one, as we have offered with the Q's engine.

Screenshot 2021-05-18 203456Screenshot 2021-05-18 203852

Full artwork will be revealed as soon as possible!

But we are not stopping here!  Wait till next Friday's announcement!  What could it possible be????

An interesting project! Not to gripe, but the tender in the drawing looks shorter than in the picture. The space between the trucks looks wider in the pic. Also, the outline of the boiler top in the drawing doesn’t look like it matches the picture. Are these the MTH drawings of the model being produced?


Images (1)
  • mceclip0

@samjumper "Not to gripe, but the tender in the drawing looks shorter than in the picture."  --- Hence why the tender profile is not outlined in bold as the engine is.  Usually, when issuing a blueprint drawing the contents that are in question are almost always able to stand out from the rest of the drawings.

So I reiterate, "We have requested that this engine come with the long tender, instead of the short one, as we have offered with the Q's engine. Full artwork will be revealed as soon as possible!"  That is why we have not included preproduction artwork on the tender in this post.

"the outline of the boiler top in the drawing doesn’t look like it matches the picture. Are these the MTH drawings of the model being produced?" ----  The boiler profile in the picture vs the MTH drawing is slightly different.  This is a standard production tooling that MTH uses for most of their USRA Pacifics.  This is NOT an O-Scale brass 2-rail model that would mimic the real thing (picture) to the correct scale with correct proportions.  This is as close as we can get to using the available tools at hand.

Thanks for your interest. 

So I reiterate, "We have requested that this engine come with the long tender, instead of the short one, as we have offered with the Q's engine. Full artwork will be revealed as soon as possible!"  That is why we have not included preproduction artwork on the tender in this post.

"the outline of the boiler top in the drawing doesn’t look like it matches the picture. Are these the MTH drawings of the model being produced?" ----  The boiler profile in the picture vs the MTH drawing is slightly different.  This is a standard production tooling that MTH uses for most of their USRA Pacifics.  This is NOT an O-Scale brass 2-rail model that would mimic the real thing (picture) to the correct scale with correct proportions.  This is as close as we can get to using the available tools at hand.

Thanks for your interest.

No good deed...

Welcome to the world of model train "manufacturer."   You will probably have to reiterate the above statements many times.


@Sam Jumper posted:

Reiterate for $1250 it’s anyone’s guess what will actually show up? Other dealer special runs haven’t mentioned these stipulations. Sorry I asked.

"It's anyone's guess what will actually show up?" ----Really?  I mean REALLY?

"Other dealer special runs haven’t mentioned these stipulations." ----  We are not like the other dealers.  And besides, what stipulations?

@Sam Jumper posted:

Reiterate for $1250 it’s anyone’s guess what will actually show up? Other dealer special runs haven’t mentioned these stipulations. Sorry I asked.

What does this even mean?  In the original post it stated that it was a USRA Pacific, and that they would request a longer tender to go with it.  The Rock never rostered any USRA Pacifics AFAIK and this tooling from MTH seems to be a Heavy Pacific at that.  The only railroad that rostered USRA Heavy Pacifics that I know of was Erie.

For $1250 you will get a USRA Pacific, lettered as Rock Island 886 with a long tender. 

These are fantastic looking models from what I've seen.

@Sam Jumper posted:

Reiterate for $1250 it’s anyone’s guess what will actually show up? Other dealer special runs haven’t mentioned these stipulations. Sorry I asked.

@rplst8 posted:

What does this even mean?  In the original post it stated that it was a USRA Pacific, and that they would request a longer tender to go with it.  The Rock never rostered any USRA Pacifics AFAIK and this tooling from MTH seems to be a Heavy Pacific at that.  The only railroad that rostered USRA Heavy Pacifics that I know of was Erie.

For $1250 you will get a USRA Pacific, lettered as Rock Island 886 with a long tender.

These are fantastic looking models from what I've seen.

The same can be said for BT&T's Burlington Pacific in another thread.  BT&T's been pretty clear about using existing tooling in both instances.

Yes, the Erie was the only owner of USRA heavy Pacifics.  The Southern PS-4 was close to a USRA Heavy Pacific, as was Atlanta & West Point's two heavy Pacific's.


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