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Hello Folks,

Not sure if anyone else has tried this, but just in case I thought I'd share it with the group.

Late last while working on a 202 with a shifted motor bearing plate I stumbled upon another repair method, a variation on the card stock/matchstick method using plastic shim stock instead (which is easily harvested, in various thicknesses, from plastic bleach/detergent/softener bottles). Once you determine the optimum shim thickness, a dab of super glue between the shim and frame keeps it in place. IMHO it's a better fix than card stock or the matchstick (which would deteriorate over time after exposure to lubricants). The plastic is much more durable and should hold its own against motor gunk. I'm currently testing the fix by putting some run time on the 202. I ran it today in both directions, 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off, for a total runtime of 3 hours with no failure so far.

Hopefully this may help someone who wants to attempt a repair on misaligned motor bearing plate.

Last edited by FortyFivePalms
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