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I model in O-Scale 2-Rail and am using Atlas and ME Rail .148.  The Atlas rail joiners and rail insulators are too toy like and they don't make tie plates.  Right-O'-Way is certainly quality but they won't be back in business for a few months now.

Are there any quality alternatives for those who hand lay track and switches?  I have used the R-O-W ties but will be forced to buy from Northeastern.  While I have never purchased their ties before, their scribed siding and other accessory profiles are top quality.  Their prices appear to be much better as well.  Kappler doesn't sell a 9' (2.25") tie, only the 8.5" ones which won't match ME and Atlas Flextrack in size.


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I found that Fast Tracks (the switch jig people) offer a 9' tie cut for them by Mt. Albert scale lumber. Check their website. Really nice wood (sugar pine?), match Atlas and Micro Engineering ties, priced same as 8.5' ties. I've just used around 5000 of 'em along with Right-of-Way rail and switch components.  I used to cut my own from Mt. Albert tie stock (7"x 9" x 24"), which is another way to get the ties the length you need. I used the 24" stuff to cut my switch ties - beats wasting 2/3 of the 16' ties.


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