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I'll try to post pics later on today since its 1:30am now..the 2 box cars are wood and just got the other 2 box cars after I'd posted and there not wood,plastic . think they might be atlas? there look to be 60 footers? those 2 look great with my PRR S1 Duplex..other box cars I might get rid of because they look to be 027's..=to small for my train... I dont have a layout..But have the track going around the living room wall on the floor for now. Its a good size track..My father in law gets a kickout of it..I think Im buying 2 rails cars because there more to my train size.. unless you guys can tell me what is the wright size I should get?

Last edited by joseywales

the orange and lightbrown are plastic and there lightweight.. dark brown and yellow&brown box cars are wood and are alittle heavy..I was thinking on making them out of balsa with thin brass skins? or use 1/16 plysides.and before I would put the brass sides on,i was going to coat the wood with epoxy for strenght..I build and race wooden R/C boats.I try to build my boats light for speeds and strong to survie a crash..

Seems like a lot of beat-up bargains on eBay lately.  Sometimes the shipping is more than they are worth.


The original question is puzzling, but perhaps I can attempt an answer.  I routinely pull fifteen heavy cast lead cars behind a single locomotive.  I could probably haul more, but my railroad is only 14x24'.  I have friends who haul eighty brass hopper cars behind an Allegheny.


The answer is not the weight of the cars, but the slipperiness of the drivers and the gear ratio of the mechanism.  There are lots of variables, so the question as posed is pretty much unanswerable without more info.

yes there is..some of us are on a budget or lost there jobs ,so things are tight... That why I look for bargens.Just won these 6 cars tonight...your layout is bigger then what I have up.. 12x18. Got 13 cars Im pulling so far.. want to be close to 25 cars if possible? My 3rd rail PRR S1 Duplex is belt greared drive.. Most trains are direct drive. saw a youtube video a guy was pulling his MTH S1 with 99 passenger cars up a grade.. dont know if he was really pulling 99 passenger cars?

Last edited by joseywales

12x18?  You will have your locomotive inside the caboose with 25 cars.  My 14 car train extends a third of the way around the middle oval, which has 70" radius curves.  Any longer and it would look stupid (opinion).


If you want to make your own freight cars, start with tank cars.  Easiest ever - you just need wood dowels and stripwood.


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