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Thank you - I will post some - these came out spectacular..... I am very pleased with all of them. I think Pat also did a B&O custom run - maybe he could post pictures of it here as well....


Holy Baltimore Blue!!! Steve, is that the B&O Blue? Dang(meaning the other D-word), that is beautiful. I can't wait for you to send me my order invoice for sure now. That is so stunning. You make the best custom runs. 👍😊🐻

Should be about a week and a half before I see that beautiful B&O blue Pacific show up at my door(maybe two weeks). I cannot wait to see this in person, that blue is doggone beautiful. I wish I could remember when I was a kid what engine my uncle had that was a stunning blue. I'd ask him but it may take a week getting through some of the train talk. I'd say the Blue Goose, but when I had asked him several years ago about it, he said he didn't have one. So, I'm left with a mystery of what postwar engine he had that was blue. Not unless it was some standard gauge piece, but I think I'd remember something like that.

@PRR1950 posted:

The only "blue" steam engines I can recall are the Blue Goose (Santa Fe), the Blue Comet (CNJ) and the Royal Blue (B&O).  However, at 71, my recollection isn't always that great.


The P7 President series started out green but later were painted blue. I have a movie made in 1951 that shows both a black and a blue B&O Pacific.

More info here.


@PRR1950 posted:

The only "blue" steam engines I can recall are the Blue Goose (Santa Fe), the Blue Comet (CNJ) and the Royal Blue (B&O).  However, at 71, my recollection isn't always that great.


As long as you get most things right, that's where it counts. I had only ever known the Blue Goose, but didn't know who would have modeled it. That's why I was really confused when my uncle said no. Not knowing if Lionel(or Williams) had modeled anything during what was the postwar hayday and something my uncle would have bought, it left a big question mark floating.

@PRR1950 posted:

The only "blue" steam engines I can recall are the Blue Goose (Santa Fe), the Blue Comet (CNJ) and the Royal Blue (B&O).  However, at 71, my recollection isn't always that great.


The Frisco had 3 well-known blue steam engines, the 4500, 4501 and 4502 Meteor northerns. The Wabash also had seven P-1 class Hudsons painted blue.

Last edited by breezinup

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