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I have a set of these and I was thinking about 3d printing some interiors for and putting ‘real’ windows in - now I am thinking I might need to come up with something creative to hold the roof on…. Anyone done this?

Truthfully, you could probably just set it on with a nice lip around it, it's not like it's going to fall off.  However, if you're going to all that trouble, I'd start with a much better base product.  Tons of Railking cars with full interiors available, and they're a much better base to build on.

Truthfully, you could probably just set it on with a nice lip around it, it's not like it's going to fall off.  However, if you're going to all that trouble, I'd start with a much better base product.  Tons of Railking cars with full interiors available, and they're a much better base to build on.

Oh I hear you - but I have these blue comet cars without boxes, burnt out bulbs that are dying for some seats, people and leds (with your led board)…  I might have to give it a go, I am sure I can come up with something!

As at @ADCX Rob noted these Baby Madison passenger cars have been around a long time.  Rob also commented on the thread below, whch details on how to remove the trucks and rewired the cars to avoid the flicker because the cars only have one pickup.  I followed this process and rewired the cars. I got my parts from Jeff at the Train tender,  he was able to put a Parts "kit" together for me to replace the trucks with an operating coupler (below is a picture that shows the pick up that I had already sodered the wires onto.  Recommend using the flex wires. 

Under The Hood: MPC Era "Baby Madison" Passenger Cars | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum (



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