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I recently got a new Lionel Haunted Station, but it is really in the dark as far as interior illumination goes(maybe that was their intent), but I would like to make it brighter inside so you can appreciate the decorations. I know you can just add more light bulbs, but I thought that someone had something unique they worked with. How about those tiny Christmas lights, would a string of them work on a typical transformer? Have any of you experimented with those? The old style station was nice n brite with a single bulb, but this new station is pretty dim with a tiny light. thanks

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On ebay, there's illuminescent sheets in different sizes...I lack the links at the moment, but they sell all sorts of colors and it would tack on the underside of your roof to help the windows glow more. I've used one to light up the inside of a saucer with fiber optics in the lil windows. It's a tad pricey. Maybe just bigger or more lights{LEDs? too} would cheaply solve your issue, I'm thinking.  Some orange lights or LEDs in 12v....

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