I agree John, normally. I took the sensor and pushed it in until it read the stripes correctly. I did not measure it. When I got it to read the stripes at around 30 MPH, I locked it there as best as I could. It's not precision here by any means of the imagination. I don't have the tooling, or the patience.
If it works, I'm happy. I think this particular sensor is weak. We can argue the merits of that statement all you desire. It seems to need to be closer than others I've installed. I have put in at least around 30 now. I know that's not a big number by your standards. It is enough for me to know when something is different.
Some tachs seem stronger and I can slap them in and they work. Maybe this flywheel wobbles too much to get precise readings?
Seems like the least of my issues as I'm back inside the drive for the umpteenth time again. I'll get it right by accident when I get the patience to keep at it. Right now, I need to walk away!