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I have a little porter and a gas mechanical with some limited rolling stock that I don't have room for now on my mostly tinplate layout. I would like to build a small maybe 2 level but simple layout to run what I have. I'm thinking 4x4 or even a portable pike. So long as I make the scenery interesting just a couple of small ovals or even circles of track with no switches will do.   Any suggestions/pics would be appreciated.      Thank you.
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Hi Chris,


This micro-layout website has lots of ideas for small narrow gauge layouts.


Carl Arendt Micro layouts


You can also adapt any small HO layout to On30.


Usually, 18" radius is used for On30, but if you will only be running a Porter or gas-mechanical, you can bend your own curves down to 12" radius or even smaller.


That micro website has lots of examples of guys doing amazing things in very small spaces using tight curves and limited equipment. But, all can be stretched to fit a bigger area. It's really good for getting ideas for different layout themes and interesting scenery.



Chris, a couple of years ago, OGR featured a small NG layout that was eye catching.  Maybe Allan can recall the issue.

I have made a lot of changes on my layout and had to pull up my ON30 track to make those changes, but as soon as it cools down so I can work in my crappy garage, I will be making the dust fly, no pun intended.


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