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I have the 6-37123 Weyerhauser sawmill. Overall, it's a fun accessory but one that has always struck me as poorly designed. Specifically, the way the cut planks exit the sawmill building and drop onto the loading platform. Ideally, there would be a mechanism to then have the planks load onto a waiting flat car or gondola to complete the cycle. I saw in a back issue of O-Gauge magazine how someone modified their saw mill to have a conveyor belt load the planks onto a car backed up on a spur off the side of the sawmill. That arrangement won't work on my layout. Has anyone modified their sawmill so that the cut planks can load onto a car parked in front of the sawmill using the same track that the logs are dropped off from? My two ideas are a pair of conveyor belts to carry the logs to a waiting gondola or to use the tipping mechanism from a log dump car to dump the planks into a waiting flat car or gondola. 

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