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I'm going to need to press some wheels onto axles (standard gauge, if it matters, but might include O down the road), and I've been looking at various tools.  At this point, I won't be doing any steam engines where quartering is needed, but can't rule that out in the future.  I anticipate occasional use.

There is a wide variety of tools available at varying prices.  One can spend anywhere from $50 to $400 for a small arbor press - what do you get for the extra money?   Does anybody use sockets and a C-clamp?

I found some old topics that mentioned having to modify a cheap press, but I didn't see many details.

What suggestions do you have regarding the techniques and different types of tools for this work?  Thanks.

Last edited by Mallard4468
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For Std Gauge, I use a Harbor Freight 1 ton arbor press.  Drill the ram for common rivet tools, crossdrill and tap for a thumb screw to retain those tools.  I have a lathe, so I make my own mandrels for the base and solid end tools for the ram.  I press on the hub of the std gauge wheels, not the rim.  If the axle is started squarely in the wheel, it will go in straight when pressing on the center hub.  Replaced hundreds of std gauge wheels with no wobble.

I have a Harbor Freight press with a few common tools, it's done all I need to do.  I don't routinely do steam wheels, mostly motor flywheels, worms, and diesel wheels.

What tools do you find most useful, and where did you get them?  Did you do any modifications to the press?

@Jon G posted:

For Std Gauge, I use a Harbor Freight 1 ton arbor press.  Drill the ram for common rivet tools, crossdrill and tap for a thumb screw to retain those tools.  I have a lathe, so I make my own mandrels for the base and solid end tools for the ram.  I press on the hub of the std gauge wheels, not the rim.  If the axle is started squarely in the wheel, it will go in straight when pressing on the center hub.  Replaced hundreds of std gauge wheels with no wobble.

I noticed that HF sells 1/2 ton and 1 ton.  Is 1/2 ton sufficient?

@Mallard4468 posted:

What tools do you find most useful, and where did you get them?  Did you do any modifications to the press?

I noticed that HF sells 1/2 ton and 1 ton.  Is 1/2 ton sufficient?

What Jon said.  I have the 1/2 ton, and I must admit, it would be useful to have some more height at times.  However, I bought the press and tools with an assortment a few years ago, I got the press, a really nice jeweler's drill press, a 2" cutoff saw, and a mini table saw as a group for $150.  I looked up the Dumore drill press and discovered they are actually selling for more than I paid for the whole lot.

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