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Happy New Year to all, and I hope everone's holidays went well.  


So, for my request for help.  Up until now my only opportunity to run my trains have been at Christmas for a couple of weeks.  I participated in the SGMA layout at Trainfest this past November and it really convinced me that my trains and I would be a lot happier if they lived on a layout rather than in their boxes.  So, over the holidays I mentioned to my wife that I'd really like to build a layout, just a passing comment, I wanted to just plant a seed.  Well my wife surprised me when, without hesitation, said that I should build a layout if that would make me happy.  Just for the record, I was surprised not because my wife is against my hobby but becase we don't have a lot of surplus space in our house.  So after figuring out the best place for the layout it has been determined that I will have about a 5' x 12' area to build.  So I am asking for help in the form of picutures of your layouts as well as any ideas you might have about getting the most out of such a small space.  I have seen a lot of really nice layouts here with some very clever use of space and wish I had kept some of the pictures for help/inspiration now that I'm in the planning phase of my own layout.  I would like to have two loops so I can run two trains at once, an outer Std-57 and an inner Std-42.  I would like to make this somewhat boring idea a bit more interesting.  I'd also like to squeeze in an O gauge loop somewhere if possible, maybe 5 rail track on the outer loop?  Anyway, I'd appreciate any ideas that you might have and any pictures you would be willing to post of your layout to get my creative juices flowing.



Thanks in advance,


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Originally Posted by John Clifford:

Happy New Year to all, and I hope everone's holidays went well.  


So, for my request for help.  Up until now my only opportunity to run my trains have been at Christmas for a couple of weeks.  I participated in the SGMA layout at Trainfest this past November and it really convinced me that my trains and I would be a lot happier if they lived on a layout rather than in their boxes.  So, over the holidays I mentioned to my wife that I'd really like to build a layout, just a passing comment, I wanted to just plant a seed.  Well my wife surprised me when, without hesitation, said that I should build a layout if that would make me happy.  Just for the record, I was surprised not because my wife is against my hobby but becase we don't have a lot of surplus space in our house.  So after figuring out the best place for the layout it has been determined that I will have about a 5' x 12' area to build.  So I am asking for help in the form of picutures of your layouts as well as any ideas you might have about getting the most out of such a small space.  I have seen a lot of really nice layouts here with some very clever use of space and wish I had kept some of the pictures for help/inspiration now that I'm in the planning phase of my own layout.  I would like to have two loops so I can run two trains at once, an outer Std-57 and an inner Std-42.  I would like to make this somewhat boring idea a bit more interesting.  I'd also like to squeeze in an O gauge loop somewhere if possible, maybe 5 rail track on the outer loop?  Anyway, I'd appreciate any ideas that you might have and any pictures you would be willing to post of your layout to get my creative juices flowing.



Thanks in advance,


We need a little bit more information about what you want out of the layout, otherwise we can't offer suggestions.  Here's some questions to get you started:


  • Are you wanting to have a more realistic layout, or do you want to end up with a more postwar display type of layout?
  • Are you wanting to model a specific prototype, or do you want to model with what road names you have currently (Santa Fe, UP, CP, CN, GN, NYC, exc)
  • What kind of operation are you wanting (point to point, light industry operation, watching trains go in circles).
  • Any extras like a yard, a specific industry or a station?

All of these, and a few more specifications will help us all give suggestions.  One thing you can do right now is search either for a free software program that does track planning, or go grab a pencil and a piece of paper.


One limitation we have though on this forum is that we can't actually design hte perfect layout for you, but we can give you suggestions in the form of advice or track plans.

John, a big factor of your railroad design is, whose track are you going to use?

I use lionel tube rail, O27 AND O32 laid on Johnson Roadbed. Once you have your track you can do a lot of desiging with the track itself.

You may try and find a copy of Publisher of Classic Toy Trains, which has a ton of track plans in all space size and gauges. (Sorry Alan, I hope I didn't offend anybody.)

My layout's name is "The Nevr Dun".







Last edited by AL CLAIR

Here are some answers to a few of the questions from the above posts.  The type of layout I'm going for is pure pre-war tinplate toy layout in Standard Gauge, but hoping to incorporate an O gauge loop somewhere.  I didn't cross post in the layout forum because I get the feeling they are more into more realistic and/or post-war type layouts.  I figured that the people who already have the elements of what I'm looking for would all be found on the tinplate forum.  As for the type of track, I plan to use USA Track's standard gauge track in Std-57 and Std-42 and if I end up using switches I'll probably go with Ross's new standard gauge switches.



Thanks for the help thus far, please feel free to add suggestions, ideas and pictures.


Well, for the overall desing of the layout, if indeed tinplate, then I would think a a layout like this would look  very classic:


2-3 loops of track

sidings on every track

one loop climbs up or is elevated above the others.

a bridge, tunnel, and station included in the setting.

as many operating accessories as you can fit.


However, there are no rules to this hobby, just guidelines.  We can give you ideas all day, but in the end, it is your layout, so have fun with it and make it your own.


good luck with the layout, and please post pictures when done.



I strongly recommend that you check out the various Standard Gauge layouts that are displayed on the "All Gauge Model Railroading Page" website.  The site includes track plans some with 3D diagrams of layouts in all gauges including several in Standard Gauge.  Most contain a complete list of the specific track needed to build them including a list of the accessories shown in the 3D diagram of the track plan.  Here is a link to the site  and a link to the  one of the Standard Gauge track plan with 3D layout pages on the site.



All Gauge Std G track plan

All Gauge Std G 3D diagram


Images (2)
  • All Gauge Std G track plan
  • All Gauge Std G 3D diagram
Link copied to your clipboard.