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Recently I have been finding and buying old "Athearn" O scale wood and metal kits that were sold by a company called "Pacific HO". I enjoy putting them together. It's fairly easy to find out about Irv Athearn's production of the kits back in the 1940's but I am unable to find out anything about the ones sold later by Pacific HO.  Can anyone help with this.  Things such as when Pacific HO sold these kits and any other facts would be appreciated.

John T.

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I'm completely ignorant about "Pacific HO" selling O Scale Athearn kits, obviously sounds counterintuitive given the company's name. But I have been similarly surprised in the past by otherwise HO lines like Hallmark and Alco Models selling O Scale as well.  Can you shoot and post an example photo of an example kit with contents, plans and box?

@prrjim posted:

Pacific HO or its successor sold the company to "Reynolds" who continued the line for some years.    I think Reynolds sold the business but I don't think the kits were released again. 

Actually, they traveled to be produced and marketed by the original Old Pullman and Locomotive Workshop for a few years before being sold again to Boxcar Jim.  Whatever happened thereafter is not known to me. This line of kits changed hands many times....

Oh, boy, another O scale line that needs recorded.  I have a few kits of that line, of different brands , have built a few, but have heard that there were kits offered for a few obscure roads.  These l would like to know about. I will bet more than one "somebody" collects these, from all of the various owner/producers.  I can see collecting these by brand, and, for me, it would be road names.  I am late to that party and have no room, so "somebody" please add that to the other a history to record and preserve.

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