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I hate to be rude about this but we who have desired these engines from their  original announcement and del. date have waited just too long for their appearence. I recall a few other times, Pasadena train show in the 80's or 90's when PSC imported a DD40  and I desired and then I didn't buy as Overland man at the show  said they would have one out very soon too and so I waited. It was over a decade, vdery expensive and so I didn't buy. And then lately the SP mogul form 3rd rail which took several years from taking orders. I gave up on both and they became less desirable to do business with. I lost a chance to buy more of the MTH 8-40s, engines used in the Oregon Blues,  as I had reserved 3 Atlas units and now I can't believe anything they say. In fact any of the importers/manufacturers. I'll go as far as sying there is no way Atlas will deliver on these this or next year.

Enough said, sorry for rant.




A reply from Jerry at Atlas.

Needless to say Atlas is just as frustrated as you are in the delays of bringing our Dash 8 Trainman® locomotive to market. Without going into a litany of reasons for the delay, which most consumers don’t care about anyway, I’ll say we’re doing everything possible to bring the Dash 8 to market by the second quarter of next year with new electronics and operating diesel exhaust. I’m waiting just like you are as I have the Santa Fe’s on order, so hopefully you’ll hang in there with us as you’ll find the wait having been worth it.


In regards to not having a Burlington or CB&Q unpowered B unit, it was a decision to cut down on complexity on an already complex mix of offerings for the F-3 Phase 2. The CB&Q ran these locomotives typically as an ABA set and our thinking was to have at least two of the three locomotive powered so that a modeler would have enough power to move the 11 or 12 car California Zephyr with authority  on any layout with or without grades. If we would’ve added an unpowered B unit we would’ve also had to offer another powered A unit (adding to complexity) because then it would’ve been possible to order two of the three locomotives without power, which would’ve only been useful for display, not to pull the complete Zephyr consist. So this made an unpowered B unit a none starter as we know some modelers would’ve ordered 2 of the 3 unpowered and then having been terribly disappointed with their performance on a layout, thanks.

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