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I have a N&W Atlas caboose that derails the car it follows because the coupler can't move past the trim on the end by the steps. I would have to trim that to allow the coupler to swing it's full movement. Or space the truck down a bit from the car frame.

Anybody experience this?

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Jack my caboose is the sameway but i don't have any problems with mine. Mine does not have a washer underneath the truck but another thing your car your pulling with the caboose may be your problem like your car may have to run on 054 or bigger some will run on tighter turns some won't also here is a video of my atlas caboose  is running on 048 turns with no problems 

Originally Posted by Lee Willis:

I think you better get the file out.  From everything here it seems it was made that way. 

OK. I got the screwdriver out. I put a small washer which is just the right height, to allow the coupler to miss the steps. The screw holding the truck on has to be a tad loose so I put a tiny film of blue loctite on the screw. I might fashion a smaller washer around just the screw so I can snug the screw down...but this'll work for now.

More fun, eh, when stuff needs some fix'in?



I have an Alaska ev caboose from atlas that I got from e-bay and it does the same thing.  I tested it out on MTH Realtrax which is O-31 but my currently disaassembled layout has tubular track so I have some o-31 curves that will be a problem.  I don't think there is much you can file off so if you want to run on the smaller curves you will have to use a spacer between the truck and the frame.



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