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color is one thing, and does not surprise me it it doesn't match.


Now the other critical glaring error to me is the dome obs and the dome coach,

do not match in the sample pictures shown. There is a big difference to me.


Looks to me that they got it right in the Obs, and some what OK in the coaches.


Eric needs to chime in here.



Atlas O did come a long way correcting the ends to the "Midland Reproductions" Oscar Neubert work he did with Ron Kieser and Don Elliot. Some of us supplied Atlas with samples from an actual Midland Reproductions kit. The sides of the dome were left alone from that first test shot that bombed and inasmuch revealed the HO scale origins of the drawings from BLI. They look ok in HO but thank goodness they improved the ends otherwise the whole project in my humble opinion would have been a bust.

I like to use the phrase "Chunky" when I think of the Atlas models. The details are heavy and to large typical of Atlas O models sourced from HO drawings. The IMRL models they bought albeit fragile are nearly perfect; Atlas decided to lean on robust sturdy construction and chunk up the details. It's OK I guess I spend great amounts of time replacing grabs etc. But most of the time a decent weathering job helps. Don't get me wrong I'm very pleased with Atlas models and what they have done. I just wish we could have ExactRail or Tangent quality in O.

The Dome Obs thank goodness is correct with the raised rear lounge and combination dome standard height and shortened on the rear. It's a beautiful model really and certainly on my list.

Below are photos I shot of the CM versus the Atlas dome.


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Last edited by Erik C Lindgren

What is the "CM" version ?   


I purchased 4 of these cars earlier this year from a fellow forum member and have the dome observation on order.  


Is it my monitor or does the glass in the domes appear to be blue in version, and much greener on the other version ?   Maybe it's the lighting.  


Originally Posted by Hot Water:

I recently heard a rumor that they all had to be returned, since the color/finish didn't match previous deliveries. Wonder what the truth is.

Can't say for sure.  But it could account for a bit of waffling I heard today regarding delivery dates.  I could have sworn Atlas-O had at one point confirmed shipping of these by late November.  However, they now seem to be "almost hoping" for December, with a possibility of slippage into January.  


Shipping ETA notwithstanding, I was very impressed with the CZ dome observation sample on display at York.




P.S. They also announced the CZ baggage car along with the esoteric dorm-buffet-lounge dome car.  I'll probably spring for the baggage car, and just call it a complete train.    Now the hand-out says "coming soon".  But I should caution folks that the domed observation car brochure said that at October 2013's York, and we still don't have a domed observation car in our hands yet.



Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Must have been dependent on who you talked to. The answer I got was that they were in production now and to your hobby store by end of December.
Originally Posted by Rocky Mountaineer:

Can't say for sure.  But it could account for a bit of waffling I heard today regarding delivery dates.  I could have sworn Atlas-O had at one point confirmed shipping of these by late November.  However, they now seem to be "almost hoping" for December, with a possibility of slippage into January.  


Shipping ETA notwithstanding, I was very impressed with the CZ dome observation sample on display at York.








Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
That's awesome Santiago

Are they out or do you have an inside connection!?


Ha! I wish, bud! Atlas posted these on their fbook page today, and I happened to be on at the same time. Hopefully Atlas will say something about the shipping date, drums art and the lighting features on this car soon.

I love them! I just took mine out to see how they'd do on 46" curves and they do well! It's unbelievable all things considered. You're right, there is some "chunkyness" to the model, but for the price it doesn't get any better than this. I love the interior lighting, it looks amazing to me. And that you can power it with batteries is just the icing on the cake.


I mean something along this lines with the coupler   Also, I just noticed that Atlas modeled the curtains for the end windows!







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