My Trolley bumper reverse mechanisms work fine, but the "3 position reversing unit", (E-Unit) only seems to reverse in one direction. I'm assuming this is supposed to work with either the "Direction" button on the transformer, and/or by interrupting track power momentarily, causing the trolley to reverse direction. If one supposes the driver wheels are at the "front" of the trolley, and the trolley is going "forward", pressing the DIR button does not cause the trolley to go into "reverse", but if it is travelling in "reverse", pressing the DIR button DOES make it switch to "forward". And it is not a track issue, as it works the same no mater what orientation the trolley is on the track. When ever it is travelling in the direction of the end that the motored wheels are, it will not "reverse" when you press the DIR button. However, when it restarts (in the same direction) and comes upon the bumper, it does reverse.
Anyone seen this before or have an idea? I was hoping the "3 position reversing unit" was some physical switch that would allow for choosing which directions would be reversed (forward, backward, both) but I don't see any such switch or jumpers of any sort.