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I have started on my Atlas Signal Tower! It is a fantastic kit that goes together so easily! Since I model present day I wanted it to look very run down hence the broken and borded up windows.  I have added a first layer of grime tomorrow I will add rust detail and more weathering. Let me know what you think. Thanks






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  • _MG_5862
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  • _MG_5866
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It looks realistic. Two suggestions, most weathering wear goes from top to bottom. With the build up of grime you have applied, take a soft cloth and wipe down the roof area and siding. The grime coming down off the lower floor windows is believable.


Get a can of Floquill "Instant weather." It is kind of a creamy color. Hold the building in one hand and the paint in the other - about 2.5-3 feet away. Spray a quick burst of paint towards the building. You will actually see the cloud of paint in the air. Bring the building into the cloud of paint and it will lie on the building and give it a weathered hue.


Once you get a feel for how far the cloud of paint travels, you can hold the building just that far away from the paint can and give it a quick burst. The further the spray gets from the can, the further it emanates outward forming a "cloud." You give it a burst and it is at its broadest when it contacts the building, which keeps you from having dark direct hits of paint.


Normally, I follow this procedure with flat black (WalMart) and then follow it with the instant weather. It gives a very pleasing worn tone to the entire structure.


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