Originally Posted by John Henry:
It's a power issue. When I tried 13 vac (not 12 volts) none of the switches worked well. I was using 15 vac. When I go to 23 vac they all work. I am using a K line transformer with 3 red and 3 black connections where you can pick and choose your vac (volts alternating current ?) I am afraid I am getting volts, amps and vac mixed up. Help Dale. Manual syas SC- is rated for 15 amps and later says it needs 7 to 20 vac to operate correctly. Now I need to understand the differences so my switches work and I don't burn anything up.
John Henry
23 vac might be a little much, don't think I would exceed 18 vac as is stated in the manual. According to the manual the 15 vac is a little low, it listed 16 vac as the low end, range was 16-18 volts.
The 15 amp rating would be for the relay contacts in the SC. I would expect the 7-20 vac is what is required by the SC to operate the contacts (relay). The Atlas switches require no where near 15 amps. 15 amps is probably more than most people have at the track.
Since it's only 8 feet, distance is probably not a factor, the 15 volts probably was. At the 15 volts (too low already), could have been just far enough to drop it slightly and cause the problem. Especially if you had very small wire, smaller would cause more voltage drop.