OK you Atlas Track fans!!! What am I doing wrong.
Ripped up the old train board that I take to shows. It did NOT owe me a thing,
had it on the road for 20+ years and it was originally built with scrap lumber.
setting up, tearing down for 20 years have takin its tole.
So Im building a new board and got this hair brained idea of copying what the HO guys do
with their connector tracks sliding the rail joiners over to make connections at the joints.
Ran lionel tubular track around the perimeter and at the joints
have a short section of Atlas track at the end of the tubular track and use a 5" section of Atlas track
to drop into the space at the gap and slide the rail joiners over just like the HO guys do.
WELL, I must be rough on this stuff, because I bought a section of Atlas track to try my little
experiment and ever time I touched, cut, attached or tried working with any section of Atlas
track the little nubbies that hold the track to the plastic ties busted off.
Very very very frustrating. So Im trying to think of a better connector track.