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As a practical matter, I doubt it can be done - for sure it can't be done without a lot of modifying (cutting) stock items.  I think your best bet is to go with the Ross Custom Switches #175 double crossover which has a 4-1/2" center line to center line spacing.  The required 1/8" center line adjustment would be much easier than any other alternative I can think of.

Last edited by PGentieu

Not knowing how large your layout is and assuming you're saying the center rail to center rail distance is 4.375", the only way to come close using Atlas track is to use 4 #5 switches as shown. However, just the switches need almost 7' of space and they are still offset 1/8" offset, the same as the Ross DBLX 11 would be in a much smaller space and probably at a lower cost. I don't know if you can "fudge" the joining track enough to connect or how much track you'd be able to move.



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@EastonO posted:

So, I will likely just put in 2 switches on each side of the layout to accomplish the same thing and that will allow me to make up that space.

Thanks again! Terry

When I started my layout plans, I thought I wanted a double crossover also.  I ended up putting the switches on the opposite ends of the layout.  I'm very happy with that decision as that allows me to have a very large passing area where I can park a train and have another one run around it.

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