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I have one of these gondolas (#61327):


There's stenciling between the 2nd and 3rd rib that says "K 1-73" and "2 Composition Shoes".


The built date is 10-53.


What needs to be changed to back-date this to something prior to 1965-67?


How accurate is this gondola to a Southern car?  The only photos of Southern cars I found had side ribs that extended down to the bottom of the sides, the model has ribs that are all the same length and do not extend down where the sides angle down after the trucks.

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Hey guys, 


The Atlas Trainman 52' 6" mill gondola is based on the PRR's G31 class gons built by ACF.  Luckily (for me), a number of other roads owned near copies.  These included the Lackawanna (WOOT!), Southern Pacific, Delaware & Hudson, Wabash, Western Pacific and -- ATTN: Bob Delbridge -- the ACL.


If you want more info, splurge for this:


The SRR did NOT own any of these cars.  Not sure if they owned something similar.




I agree with Hot Water, I believe the "Billboard" style markings were brought back about 1954 and there after.  Before this, it was used in the '20s and '30s, but sometime in the late '30s, through the '40s and into the early '50s, the "Billboard" style was discontinued. 



I thought Atlas, of most, of the manufacturers, modeled pretty close to the prototype railroads.

I'm surprised that the SRR gondola is a 'FANTASY' model, like other model train manufactures produce.


Originally Posted by RJL: 



I thought Atlas, of most, of the manufacturers, modeled pretty close to the prototype railroads.

I'm surprised that the SRR gondola is a 'FANTASY' model, like other model train manufactures produce.



While I find Atlas does a reasonably good job, the Trainman line has a bit more "wiggle room" when it comes to accuracy.  




I understand what you mean, I looked at some Trainman goods and compared them with prototype photos and they were pretty close.

Of course, Master Line Series is very close, to prototype, sometimes slightly off and most times dead on.

I have a beautifully crafted 1:48 scale die-cast metal, open top hopper, which I compared to a photo of its prototype hopper, everything is dead on, EXCEPT, for whatever reason, there are no reporting marks initials and no road numbers, on both of the 'A' and 'B' ends. This, beauty of a hopper, is NOT made by Atlas!!!!!

As, for other manufacturers, some of their products are close, while some of their other products leave much to be desired???!!!!!

I know of the manufacturing locations and shipping, but the prices are dear enough for a good model to be produced.

This, is what I find and what I say.


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