Interesting to read others' comments about this auction. Seems like there was very little notice/advertising for it(I learned about it on Friday night thanks to Dewey's posting) so I was not surprised with the small number of people. I echo what has been posted regarding the conduct and timing of the auction. In particular, numerous companion pieces were placed in different lots many numbers apart. Overall, items seemed to sell in the bargain range if bidders wanted the item for "keepers".
At first I suspected "plants" among the bidders because the auctioneer was missing bids and quickly calling the same several numbers as winners. My biggest puzzlement was the composition of the collections -- so much new Fast Track and switches and the items seem to disregard any focus for collecting. Looked like someone bought closeout stuff regardless of what it was. Made for interesting bidding!
Frustrations aside, I was able to win bids for several bargains which made my drive to Burlington worthwhile. Sorry that I did not identify with the other OGR Forum members there. Guess you all look better in real life that you do in your forum pictures. Now I am ready for York!