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For those of you in commuting distance of the Ramada Inn at Exit 143 [Burlington,N.C.] in Piedmont North Carolina, there is an auction beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday. Initiated by one of the widows of a guy plus some others as well. I haven't seen a list and don't know details. But a public service bit on regional TV showed a recent Southern Ps-4 Crescent Ltd, a K-Line City of Asheville FPH[N.C. DOT] and various other equipment and  structures.

I plan to go and meet some Forumites but do not anticipate buying anything.

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C. Sam 

As I recall it went for $630 or $730. [see Bill's post $600]. I am not certain, perhaps Bill or D.G. can speak about the bid. I grabbed my lips early on regarding many of the Locomotive bids. There is little that I need as regards Southern Ry. Nevertheless---cheaper offers on the Forum in some cases even with outrageous S&H added.


I wanted to stay and see what price emerged for the old 1990 Williams Southern Ry Brass Mikado[green] and Williams ABA Southern F7s with the OTT sound system. But I was afraid my wife would come and get me if stayed and   screwed up her Easter plans.

Last edited by Dewey Trogdon
Originally Posted by DGJONES:

Some really nice items there.  Who in their right mind would have an auction on Easter weekend?


If I did not have plans that I cannot change,  I would be there!


Good luck guys,


The EASTER(over 200 people each day) and THANKSGIVING 2-day auctions are the Highlight Events of the year for Maurer's in Spring City, Pa...easily accessible to the Major Collector Population of the MIDATLANTIC REGION.  Perhaps, the problem is the REMOTE location of North Carolina(its low collector population) AND the lack of signature items???  JUST A THOUGHT!!!

Interesting to read others' comments about this auction.  Seems like there was very little notice/advertising for it(I learned about it on Friday night thanks to Dewey's posting) so I was not surprised with the small number of people.  I echo what has been posted regarding the conduct and timing of the auction. In particular, numerous companion pieces were placed in different lots many numbers apart.   Overall, items seemed to sell in the bargain range if bidders wanted the item for "keepers".


At first I suspected "plants" among the bidders because the auctioneer was missing bids and quickly calling the same several numbers as winners. My biggest puzzlement was the composition of the collections  --  so much new Fast Track and switches and the items seem to disregard any focus for collecting.  Looked like someone bought closeout stuff regardless of what it was.  Made for interesting bidding!


Frustrations aside, I was able  to win bids for several bargains which made my drive to Burlington worthwhile.  Sorry that I did not identify with the other OGR Forum members there.  Guess you all look better in real life that you do in your forum pictures.  Now I am ready for York!

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