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Just got (2) pairs of trucks; Auel and Walthers. Both are very nice but the wheel sets were swapped, so I'd like to put them back where they belong.

Taking apart the Walthers is easy; one screw per side. How does one go about disassembling the Auels? I obviously don't want to break anything... πŸ€” πŸ™‚

Mark in Oregon

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My technique is to put the truck in a plastic bag (to catch springs if they fly off), and carefully pull out all of the springs. Next the spring plank should slide out one side - it might not slide the full way, so you might have you slide it halfway to one side, and then lift one end up and over the side. With the spring plank out, rotate the bolster 45 degrees and the sides should fall off.

@Johnbeere posted:

Next the spring plank should slide out one side - it might not slide the full way, so you might have you slide it halfway to one side, and then lift one end up and over the side.

Do not force it or stress the spring plank; these tend to be brittle.  I'd also consider replacing the Auel springs as they tend to be snipped bits of springs vs. springs made specifically to fit in those trucks.

Well, that was fun...

I did the bag thing, and although I had none fly away, having that added protection gave a sense of security, so thanks for the suggestion.

As I was starting on the second truck, I realized I had not double checked the wheels sets on the first one for insulation; sure enough, they were opposite (incorrect), so I had to do the first one over again!

Here is one of them:


I've always like these Auel trucks; I think they're really nice.

...and here's one of the Walthers:


I have a Walthers PRR caboose with the tenite/nylon(?) wheels; I think I'll put these under that caboose...

Mark in Oregon


Images (2)
  • Auel
  • Walthers
@PRRMP54 posted:

I, too, like the Auel trucks but they are somewhat large at 17/64 scale and most of mine are un-insulated for outside third-rail use.

Note that the insulation is quite noticeable so impossible to miss.

...not quite "impossible".

I've got several other sets, with both the larger flanged wheels and smaller; those are all un-insulated was well. Too bad the Intermountain wheel sets don't fit...

Mark in Oregon

Yachats Sunset


Images (1)
  • Yachats Sunset
@mwb posted:

I'd also consider replacing the Auel springs as they tend to be snipped bits of springs vs. springs made specifically to fit in those trucks.

Personally I like keeping the original springs - while they're rarely the same length, they tend to be made out of material with a rectangular cross section (as apposed to round), giving them a thicker appearance.

@PRRMP54 posted:

I, too, like the Auel trucks but they are somewhat large at 17/64 scale and most of mine are un-insulated for outside third-rail use.

Interestingly they offered them with both 17/64 and 1/4 size wheels, the 1/4 size seems most common. I wish they had made the whole trucks 1/4 scale, but I don't mind the oversized trucks too much.

I've shown these trucks before, but here's a pair of Auel "Super Detailed" trucks that I've put on my Pacific (ignore the 3-rail):mceclip0


Images (1)
  • mceclip0

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