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Trainlover160 posted:
sidehack posted:

MELGAR, nice scene with the "41 being towed

one of my favorites is this Model A

IMG_0229Model A 6757

Nice Model A. Who Makes it?

If we are now done with the "I thinks" and jokes...

It was  made by Paul's Model Art/Minichamps as part of a series made for the Ford Motor Company 100 year anniversary. It starts with the Model T, and goes though the '60s. Most of the models were produced in different colors, for instance, I have a tan version of this model A. These go for various prices on eBay (about half the original prices). The ones I have are T, A, '40 Ford woody, '41 Continental, '49 Ford convertible, '50 Mercury, '55 T-Bird, '56 Continental, and '58 Edsel wagon. The quality of these is first class. The production of each model in a certain color was 1,008.

Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
lee drennen posted:

D511633E-F5B4-4F30-8809-D9CB37C91060FA53CD2F-8CD4-4A07-85B4-CB4DA3F06E7BEF9BE934-0D3B-49BA-9EC1-569629155B151CCCBA3F-85C5-41C6-98D6-6BB3913F594489352617-AA99-4261-9F8E-56E41789B8B3Here’s some more pics I took the other day 

 What a great looking display of beautiful vehicles we all love and remember from our earlier days'... Lee, what is the green & White sedan next to the Edsel in photo 1?   That's my kind of sedan...😁...

When I zoom in real close 300%, the cars and roads look real'....

Ted that’s a 50s Caddy I’ll move it for a better look and I think that’s a Pontiac not a Edsel 

Capetrainman posted:

Added additional cars and people to Main Street today.  Wired the buildings on both now moves to the train station, bus station, and Ford dealership on City 11City 12the next street over.City 13

What''  isn't anyone going to help, or come to the rescue of the poor blond with the stalled Chevy.....?????  Where are all those cab drivers'....??😁

BOIN106 :  What a car show, you covered most of my life.  The 40 Ford coupe was Dad's car in the late 40's just after we got rid of a '36 Chevy.  My best friend in High School, his Dad's car, which became transportation once we got our licenses, was a 48 Buick (although not a convertible - DRAT!).  My wife's (girlfriend at the time) family had a 48 Woody station wagon (Pontiac), we got our Milk from Forest Dairy, North Arlington, N.J. in a Devco delivery truck each morning and in the early 60's as I was finishing high school (graduated in '62) a group of friends (4 in fact) chipped in and jointly owned a '50 Ford convertible !! 

Loved the pictures of your models...thank you

Don McErlean

Capetrainman posted:

PRRRON...the truck will be arriving Friday hopefully!  Time passes slowly downstairs on the layout

Lee, that's a real sharp tow truck posted above...what brand is it?

The truck is a Corgi Mack B61 and I added a tow body from a toy 1950 Chevrolet don’t recall the name of it I also added some details from Don Mills Models I think I have posted it here in early post 

lee drennen posted:
Capetrainman posted:

PRRRON...the truck will be arriving Friday hopefully!  Time passes slowly downstairs on the layout

Lee, that's a real sharp tow truck posted above...what brand is it?

The truck is a Corgi Mack B61 and I added a tow body from a toy 1950 Chevrolet don’t recall the name of it I also added some details from Don Mills Models I think I have posted it here in early post 

Have this Mack Texaco tow truck pictured in box lower left.




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sidehack posted:

Ted, I fell in love with '54 Mercs as a teen, to me it was the most beautiful.

Thanks for bringing back the memories

 My Dad had a 54 Jet black, with the large V8 of that year.  I remember 16-18 year old Teens pulling up on Sunrise High Way, wanting to  race... That 54 Merc blew them away.... every time...  He used to complain about poor gas mileage as it had a 4 BRL carb....  I loved that car, and was one of the best looking in the 50s.... ❤

Here are some additional pics for you Ray'... Enjoy...'''😃SAM_0798 [2)DSC_0734DSC_0740DSC_0741DSC_0742


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Last edited by Quarter Gauger 48

Not much car activity on the new highway area today...just two cruisers watching over the newly paved road and the arrival of the unoccupied bus station .  The police detail will stay through tomorrow while the road striping is done.  Once stripping is complete, the activity at the bus station will pick-up...some new cars on the scene along with many travelers and bystanders

City 20


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  • City 20
Capetrainman posted:

Completed additional city street areas that means more cars on the layout...more to come  Great stories above about the '57 and '58 Fords!  Note the '54 Ford convertible to the left...



City 25City 24

Paul. Thanks for posting those nice pics looking forward to see more pics of cars on the layout 

Thanks Lee, Ray and Ted!  That's a matchbox version that was originally yellow. I found it at York with the oversized antenna broken and no box, so I didn't have to pay full freight.  There is also one made by US Model. I modified mine slightly..eliminated the white walls, added license plates, got rid of the oversized antenna (more correctly the vestiges of it) and the spare tire clamp, and detail painted a few things.   

BTW, you think the model is expensive, a real one was just sold by Sotheby's for $77,000.

ddurling posted:
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
ddurling posted:
lee drennen posted:
ddurling posted:

CD59C833-D82C-48D2-9F7F-D4348373DC93088859CF-1E52-4108-BEB6-3D4934B39AB71953 Ford Crestline Sunliner by Welly.

Your pics didn’t load 

Hmmm, I see them now...

I don't see them'???👀 

Weird, must be linking on my iPad. I’ll try again.5BB2FE8C-9360-46A1-AA43-FCC6B8369B9E127C4881-36EF-4117-AA1F-7454C820C0F8

 Finally ... I like the red and black.  53 was an entire new design that carried forward and ahead of GM and Chrysler'....

lee drennen posted:

You guys realize that those of you that include a train in the scene, have the chance to submit to the magazine for reader's rails....earn some extra bucks!

Thanks Alan for the invite maybe some here will take you up in it 

Hope you all will. You all put together amazing scenes that make me think of stuff I see around me as well as old photographs. Definitely talk to Alan and get some great stuff in the magazine to inspire those that don't make it here online.

IMG_20171115_143341213_HDRTomlinsonRunRR posted:
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

                                     New Plugs'



Ted, the distressed paint on the garage door looks great but what I'm really blown away by are the curtains in the windows.  Can you tell us what you used to create that great effect?  The Champion and Mopar colors and graphics go well together, too.



Actually I cannot take credit for the curtains or the door.  This structure is covered with paper I printed from "Evans Designs", Modeler Builder Software.  With the software you design and print sheets of doors, windows, cornices, bricks, etc.  It is a great program.  I enhanced the structure with plenty of balsa wood. Here's a few more pics of the basic structure........ If you blow up the pics, you may be able to better see the paper.  When I first started scratch building, The Evans software was instrumental , as I used it like you would with blue prints....



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Last edited by Quarter Gauger 48
sidehack posted:


I had (have) that software so long ago it was on a floppy disc. I wonder if Dave will update it so I can use it again? I really did like using it.

The garage looks great.

Yes Ray he has updated it  and can send a link, and he has CD version too. Plus a sign make, and advertiser and brick sheet programs also... Dave and Shelly, real nice helpful folks too....Free shipping and very fair prices'...


Well guys its just a lazy day in Small Town just outside Savannah on the Leonardtown and Savannah and like small towns everywhere tongues will wag...Today the town gossip is wondering what that nice lady who arrived in the Cadillac is doing in the Diner with that young man with the slicked back hair who just pulled up in the new 1953 Corvette! 


Cars at Diner


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  • Cars at Diner
p51 posted:
Capetrainman posted:

City 24

Sorry to ask a non-car question, who made the cops and waving woman in the shorts, all of which are in the foreground?

p51...the 2 police officers are Preiser 1/45 scale, and the lady in front of the '55 Chevy is Preiser also but 1/43 scale....always nice detail  I'll be adding more Presier figures in the newly placed bus station and train station over the next few days.  I'll post more then.

TomlinsonRunRR posted:

QuarterGauger 48/Ted,

Thanks for posting the information on the Modeler Builder Software and the extra photos of the backside of your building.  The whole effect looks great.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

 You are quite welcome'... If you have a chance to take a look at the Model builder/Evans Designs web site, I think you will find it worth your while'....

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