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Thanks, Lee...after being in storage for quite a while, I went searching for the cars to make it seem like greater progress was being made on the new layout.  The cabs were the first to be found...all in one they get the prime spaces for now! When the train station and bus station behind it opens soon, the cabs will head across the street and the good spaces will be filled with customers for the retail on Main Street.  I'll post more later

Capetrainman posted:

Thanks, Lee...after being in storage for quite a while, I went searching for the cars to make it seem like greater progress was being made on the new layout.  The cabs were the first to be found...all in one they get the prime spaces for now! When the train station and bus station behind it opens soon, the cabs will head across the street and the good spaces will be filled with customers for the retail on Main Street.  I'll post more later

Paul. Keep us posted we would like to see your progress 

Trumptrain - Great station views and a Tucker in downtown Patsburgh - wow that car collector is sitting on a fortune!

Lee Drennen- thank you for the compliment on the Jag.  Studying your photo's is like playing "Where's Bob!".  I found a '56 Olds convertable, a '57 Ford Fairlane, a Corvair, and a Studebaker and that's just this post!  Really cool.  Carpetrainman - the taxi line looks neat but your entire downtown is really taking shape.  OK - so you said the bus station was about to re-open, so I thought I would send some bus pictures today

Dinky Vega Luxury Bus - front view

This is a Vega Luxury Bus by Dinky / Mecano UK.  It has no marked scale but seems close to the right size at 9.5" long.  Note the skylights in the roof for viewing the scenery. It does have an interior and the engine door opens to reveal the engine.


Dinkey luxury bus side view 2



Greyhound - scenic cruiser - front view


Greyhound side view 2

this is a Greyhound scenic cruiser which was very common in the 50's and 60's .  It is made by "KTS" in Japan and this version is lithographed tinplate so I would date it from the 60's as that was the height of the Japanese tin toy production. It is a little bigger at 10.5" long.

Best Regards,  Don


Images (4)
  • Dinky Vega Luxury Bus - front view
  • Greyhound - scenic cruiser - front view
  • Dinkey luxury bus side view 2
  • Greyhound side view 2


I had that Greyhound bus (or one very much like it) when I was 5 or 6. Why do I remember it over 60 years later? Because I stuck my finger in one of the side windows and almost cut it off when I twisted it to get it out.

It was still one of my favorite toys, however. My parents never took it away, they just assumed that I learned my lesson not to do that. They were right!

Last edited by Lionelski
Trainlover160 posted:
sidehack posted:

MELGAR, nice scene with the "41 being towed

one of my favorites is this Model A

IMG_0229Model A 6757

Nice Model A. Who Makes it?

If we are now done with the "I thinks" and jokes...

It was  made by Paul's Model Art/Minichamps as part of a series made for the Ford Motor Company 100 year anniversary. It starts with the Model T, and goes though the '60s. Most of the models were produced in different colors, for instance, I have a tan version of this model A. These go for various prices on eBay (about half the original prices). The ones I have are T, A, '40 Ford woody, '41 Continental, '49 Ford convertible, '50 Mercury, '55 T-Bird, '56 Continental, and '58 Edsel wagon. The quality of these is first class. The production of each model in a certain color was 1,008.

Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
lee drennen posted:

D511633E-F5B4-4F30-8809-D9CB37C91060FA53CD2F-8CD4-4A07-85B4-CB4DA3F06E7BEF9BE934-0D3B-49BA-9EC1-569629155B151CCCBA3F-85C5-41C6-98D6-6BB3913F594489352617-AA99-4261-9F8E-56E41789B8B3Here’s some more pics I took the other day 

 What a great looking display of beautiful vehicles we all love and remember from our earlier days'... Lee, what is the green & White sedan next to the Edsel in photo 1?   That's my kind of sedan...😁...

When I zoom in real close 300%, the cars and roads look real'....

Ted that’s a 50s Caddy I’ll move it for a better look and I think that’s a Pontiac not a Edsel 

Capetrainman posted:

Added additional cars and people to Main Street today.  Wired the buildings on both now moves to the train station, bus station, and Ford dealership on City 11City 12the next street over.City 13

What''  isn't anyone going to help, or come to the rescue of the poor blond with the stalled Chevy.....?????  Where are all those cab drivers'....??😁

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