Lee thanks for your comment on the Marx trucks, I did not know that Chevy had ever had anything that looked like them...not that Marx every cared much for matching a prototype ! Today I have something that I doubt anyone has seen on the streets of the US...a PET SHOP on wheels. This is a Craigsten toy from Japan and while it certainly is unusual in the US, perhaps it is more common in Japan...no matter, I simply could not resist the lithography and design. Although I didn't include a ruler for scale, if you take a typical box delivery truck like the 1/48 scale trucks from Menards, this is o/a the same size.
Here is the "closed" lithography showing the various pets available.

When the vendor was ready to open for customers, he would lift the side panels and display his PET STORE sign. Note, how at this point he kept all the dogs and cats in the truck is a bit of a mystery. I would assume IRL he had cages but they didn't come with the truck ! 

As he goes on his way, the rear of the truck continues with his advertising.

Believe it or not Craigsten made this toy (it is a friction drive) in two sizes. The other size, which I also have, is much larger, although the lithography and design are almost identical. The larger one came with a really neat package of plastic dogs and cats to enhance play value.
So at lunch time in my layouts area, not only can you get a burrito for lunch, you can get a pet (to take home not eat ) as well !!