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Great to see this thread up and running again!  Thanks Ted for the resurrection!  Really great posts everyone!   Here are some various pics taken over the last few months.  







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Last edited by trumpettrain

Great to see this thread up and running again!  Thanks Ted for the resurrection!  Really great posts everyone!   Here are some various pics taken over the last few months.  






 Thanks so much Patrick'... I love your first pic.. So I had to resize it and make two out of one for you.  Hope you don't mind'... me messing around with your work'... Let me know what you think'...😀

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I found two Pontiac Firebirds on Ebay a few years ago the same years as the ones Sylvia and I had (95 & 98).  I found some GM paint in the right colors (wine and bright green metallic) to make these models look just like our cars looked!

Sylvia's old Firebird parked at dinerPat's old 1998 Firebird parked at church

Our Dalmatian Mick (RIP) joined the Air Force and guarded the gate to Liberty AFB from the back of a Security Police pick-up truck!

Base Gatehouse




Images (3)
  • Sylvia's old Firebird parked at diner
  • Pat's old 1998 Firebird parked at church
  • Base Gatehouse

I found two Pontiac Firebirds on Ebay a few years ago the same years as the ones Sylvia and I had (95 & 98).  I found some GM paint in the right colors (wine and bright green metallic) to make these models look just like our cars looked!

Sylvia's old Firebird parked at dinerPat's old 1998 Firebird parked at church

Our Dalmatian Mick (RIP) joined the Air Force and guarded the gate to Liberty AFB from the back of a Security Police pick-up truck!

Base Gatehouse



I'm still looking for a 1970 1/2 Firebird Formula 400 in S scale for my layout.  I bought one of the first ones in Utah (Aegean blue) and promptly drove it to our new home in Illinois.  It drew crowds at every stop.

Here's a Corvette I bought at Cracker Barrel Restaurant's gift shop.... $5.00.  It always pays to browse. The trash truck behind the Corvette was purchased at a convenience store.  I weathered the truck to give it a "trashy" appearance.    

Mr. Cool stands beside his Corvette.  IMG_0932IMG_0438

Mr. Cool ad mires this motorcycle with a side car.  Side car is not visible in the photo. IMG_0615

A train show purchase. IMG_0646

Here's the welcoming committee standing proudly by their chariot of trash collection. 


Mini pumper. IMG_0015

Officer Phyfe on his motorcycle. IMG_0017

A fully roofed Seagrave pumper.  IMG_0057


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ERTL flat bed truck with removable sides


Sides painted Holly Green, deck weathered, fenders and running boards painted black, bumper added and a gear for the load.


ERTL van



Roof painted silver, fenders and running board painted black and front bumper added.


Quality Relics 2 ton flat bed truck with removable sides.


Athearn Ford C with added posters.



ERTL panel van for Air Express division of REA.

Athearn repainted to REA

Athearn models repainted and placed on K-Line flat car.


REA supervisor's two door sedan. 





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Last edited by rattler21
@lee drennen posted:

Richie. That’s a sharp green vette. Thanks for posting 

Ray I like that pickup I need to make a order with Diecast Direct 

Thanks, Lee - I did some minor details, like painting the interior a saddle brown; adding some chrome highlights to the door handles, emblems, etc.; and red and orange for the tailights and directional lenses.

Except for the side pipes, it's an almost perfect match for my real one !






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Ray. Always like the 1948 Diamond Ts I think Ertl was a little off on there scale on this one looks to me like it’s 1/48 not 1/43 thanks for posting 

Marty. Great pics of that street shot 

Patrick. Thanks for posting those pics as always and helping keep my thread going. 

Ted  nice pics  

Brian  Cool BW photo thanks for stopping by 


Hi everyone...Its been sometime since I posted to this thread so I thought I would try to contribute today.  I am a real Marx fan both of trains and toys so while the vehicles you will see are a bit of a stretch to any real prototype and a little too large for O'scale they have these great "MARX" hood decoration, so I couldn't resist.  Also the Marx 5420 freight station in the picture is one of the largest of the Marx train buildings and so it also is a little big, so the vehicles don't look too bad.  OBTW, for those of you that like details, the platform crane in the background is from Dinky and it was also marketed through Hornby.

Here is the front view, with the "MARX" name prominently on the hood.

Marx trucks 1

The green stake bed truck it appears to have once had ladders due to the provision of hooks on the outside of the stakes,  but those are long gone.

Marx trucks 2

The pick up bed orange truck. 

Marx trucks 3

Both trucks with the Marx freight station in the back ground.

Marx trucks 4

Its very hard to date these toys but I can do so in general.  First they have to be from before 1972 when the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned tin metal toys and they are also post war as the styling is very 1950's and the tires are rubber as opposed to wood like early Marx trucks.

Enjoy!  Best wishes for a Tuesday.



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  • Marx trucks 1
  • Marx trucks 2
  • Marx trucks 3
  • Marx trucks 4

Lee thanks for your comment on the Marx trucks, I did not know that Chevy had ever had anything that looked like them...not that Marx every cared much for matching a prototype !   Today I have something that I doubt anyone has seen on the streets of the US...a PET SHOP on wheels.  This is a Craigsten toy from Japan and while it certainly is unusual in the US, perhaps it is more common in matter, I simply could not resist the lithography and design.  Although I didn't include a ruler for scale, if you take a typical box delivery truck like the 1/48 scale trucks from Menards, this is o/a the same size. 

Here is the "closed" lithography showing the various pets available.

Craigsten Pet truck 1

When the vendor was ready to open for customers, he would lift the side panels and display his PET STORE sign.  Note, how at this point he kept all the dogs and cats in the truck is a bit of a mystery.  I would assume IRL he had cages but they didn't come with the truck !

Craigsten Pet truck 2

As he goes on his way, the rear of the truck continues with his advertising.

Craigsten Pet truck 3

Believe it or not Craigsten made this toy (it is a friction drive) in two sizes.  The other size, which I also have, is much larger, although the lithography and design are almost identical.    The larger one came with a really neat package of plastic dogs and cats to enhance play value.

So at lunch time in my layouts area, not only can you get a burrito for lunch, you can get a pet (to take home not eat ) as well !!



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  • Craigsten Pet truck 1
  • Craigsten Pet truck 2
  • Craigsten Pet truck 3
@JDFonz posted:

I like to buy beat up old dinky cars and trucks and bring them back to life.FBF26576-687C-4A0A-911D-FAB6B2C3F3D652A6B9B7-0B4C-47FA-ADE7-90ABF9F6A89D57D036A4-B5BE-4E90-858F-C81EC58048735A42E921-5C85-4AEA-85C2-346F11D43150

 WOW!!!! JD, this is so excellent'... Many of us do just the opposite  weathering and destroying our die cast cars.  Plus you have really brought them back to life and they probably look better than when they were new.  This is outstanding work'... They remind me of Ramblers and Studebakers'.... Very impressive'...👍⭐👌😀

Thanks Ted, I started doing them at the beginning of the pandemic just to try something different. I drill out the rivets and totally strip the car of paint and such.   I drill and tap where the rivet was with a 2:56 screw for reassembly. I found a way to rejuvenate the windshields, and with one I even carved wooden seats and put windows in for more detail. I’ve done about 40 cars now.

Mrs. Lionelski had $20 in "Kohls Cash" expiring today and could not find anything to buy. I did though, this Hallmark Keepsakes "collectible" (at least it was until I clipped the hanger hook off it!) 1966 Chevy C10 pickup. It was $19.99, no tax with "Kohls Cash usage, so it was free to me and I have a penny left over.



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Last edited by Lionelski
@jay jay posted:

here is my Jelly Belly truck...plastic and approximately 1/48 scale. I have seen fit to modify it by removing the load.

vehicles jelly belly [2)

Slightly off topic, but maybe not. Did you see that the owner of the Jelly Belly factory in Ct. is going to give the factory away with a "Golden Ticket" type deal somewhat like in the Willy Wonka movie? Just announced last week.

As an aside to this aside, the Jelly Belly factory offers a cool tour, fun for all ages and free Jelly Beans too.

@Lionelski posted:

Mrs. Lionelski had $20 in "Kohls Cash" expiring today and could not find anything to buy. I did though, this Hallmark Keepsakes "collectible" (at least it was until I clipped the hanger hook off it!) 1966 Chevy C10 pickup. It was $19.99, no tax with "Kohls Cash usage, so it was free to me and I have a penny left over.


 Wow, what a find'.. looks like just the right scale'.... 1:50ish I think'...Nice looking truck'....

JDFonz    Beautiful job on the Dinkys. My all time favorite toy as young boy. Remember the days leading up to Christmas morning; presents wrapped under the tree. Some how the wrapping paper got torn around the corners just enough to see those yellow boxes. Unfortunately when I enlisted in the air force told mom she could get rid them. Thanks for sharing.

Well fellows, some really cool cars and great restoration work by JDFonz.  What I have for today, is one of my favorite cars although in '55 I couldn't convince Dad to buy one and he selected the 4 door sedan instead.  Here is a 1955 Chevy Nomad model purchased from a new "dealer".  Normally I have been getting cars from the Walgreens/CVS display rack but they have stopped carrying cars at the moment.  So this is from the "Circle K" store that serves as a quick market store for our local gas station.  It is at 1/50 scale, full interior, opening doors and (as best I can remember) full prototype chrome package and all for $6.99 !

Chevy Nomad front side

The chrome trim appears to be very close to the prototype including (although hard to see in this picture) the word "Nomad" on the rear fender just ahead of the taillight. Note "wind wings" and opening door. 

Chevy Nomad side door open

Here the model displays what I remember as the actual prototype chrome treatment of the rear door of the Nomad.  I also remember from our '55 sedan that those are the correct taillights.  Not yet the big fins of the '57 or the giant wings of the '59.

Chevy Nomad rear

Here is the front view of the grill.  This is also as I remember the '55, even including the hood ornament and the big Chevy "bow tie" symbol in the center.  This is an accurate depiction of the '55 vintage.

Chevy Nomad front grill

Well there is the car that I simply could not convince Dad was the right choice.  As I recall he liked the fact that it was a "station wagon" but didn't like the 2 doors.  A few years later in '62 the family would move up to a 4 Door station wagon but it wasn't a Nomad!

Best wishes



Images (4)
  • Chevy Nomad front side
  • Chevy Nomad side door open
  • Chevy Nomad rear
  • Chevy Nomad front grill

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