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@DaveP posted:

Matchbox is predominately 1/87 - 1/64. For a time there was a King Size/Super King/Speed King line Late 60's in to the 80's which scaled nicely around 1/48 - 1/50. Mattel tried to bring it back in the '00's but didn't catch on.

Speed King ElCamino & Older Matchbox Collectibles Ford Pick-up

Mtchbox Speed King El Camino & Hot Wheels 1/64 Jeep

Matchbox Speed King Charger & Matchbox 1/64 Pontiac

@DaveP, thks Dave, good info !

@mike g. posted:

Paul, great idea on having the ambulance on standby with all the traffic that area get/ Between the Friday nights, the Benz dealer ship promo and the car rally. Somebody could really get hurt. Its a good thing your a top notch reporter to cover anything that might happen. With you on top of everything there maybe you could give the public works manager a little hint to give the guy going down in the sewer some time off to enjoy the car shows also! He sure has been a lot of work!

Dads Train Room. Thanks for the information and I will be checking them out!

Charlie, Great looking car! Tom, the pick up is looking outstanding!

Mike, the sewer guy is no fool...not only is on OT after 5, but he likes the scenery above ground and seems to stuck there

Around 1960 a friend gave me his Plasticville and autos, as he must have considered himself too old to play with trains anymore.  This toy Olds and the buildings behind it were in the lot, its red paint well scratched and chipped.   I repainted it, but the red didn't cover well.  So later on I stripped it and painted it this soft blue in recognition of a '51 Olds convertible that my friend had later had.IMG_5333


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Hi Curt, I made that tank out of 35mm motion picture cores (I was a film archivist). I think I stacked four of them, glued them, and then wrapped them with thin styrene (maybe .010), which I previously embossed with a pounce wheel. For the top, I cut a circle of same, with a notch in it to make a raised center. I then added a Walther’s oil piping valve and pipe, and painted the whole thing silver.

I would think you could do the same with pvc pipe section, or mailing tube to start. I like your Shell scene! Did you build the oil derrick?

Last edited by Artie-DL&W

Finally have some way to get the passengers to the station! This started life as a fantasy Corgi "Fallen Flags" New Haven bus that I could get cheap, but I needed something more appropriate for NJ. While Corgi does make a bus in Public Service paint, it's the older red, cream and silver livery. Not sure when exactly they switched over to the gray and white, but almost all pictures of old look GM buses are in the latter, so that's what I went with. Interesting aside, "Public Service Coordinated Transport" became NJ's largest gas and electric company, PSEG, while the "transport" was spun off and eventually ended up as today's NJ Transit.



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@Magicland posted:

Finally have some way to get the passengers to the station! This started life as a fantasy Corgi "Fallen Flags" New Haven bus that I could get cheap, but I needed something more appropriate for NJ. While Corgi does make a bus in Public Service paint, it's the older red, cream and silver livery. Not sure when exactly they switched over to the gray and white, but almost all pictures of old look GM buses are in the latter, so that's what I went with. Interesting aside, "Public Service Coordinated Transport" became NJ's largest gas and electric company, PSEG, while the "transport" was spun off and eventually ended up as today's NJ Transit.


That is a very nice looking bus'... Did you re-paint it?  If so, you did a great job'..

Yes, this is how it started out.

s-l1600 [10)

Hit it with a coat of white automotive touch-up paint I had lying around, which resulted in all the original paint starting to peel off. Stripped it to the bare metal, primed, and started over with enamel. Printed custom decals for the details based on prototype pics I could find. Hard to see in the pic, but it has period correct license plates (in this case, 1947).


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On vacation and today was the day to go to some antique shops and a diecast toy cars shop.

picked up some pretty cool stuff for lower than the going rates, can’t wait to add these to my layout!


From back left to front right:

First Response Replicas Chevy Tahoe/Police Package- Anyone know how to add the accompanying details?(jumper, spotlights, etc...) no directions came with it(from diecast shop)

busted Knuckle Garage Truck- b’day present from my dad

Anson Ford Excursion- the longest and heaviest SUV to ever be mass produced(from diecast shop)

Corgi Toys Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman Limo- in pretty darn good condition- no scratches or chips, windshield wipers move fine as the wheels move.

Front view of the above vehicles:


Below-My favorite item from today. I have wanted this in 1/43 for awhile but couldn’t find any stateside(just started showing up on ebay though):


Cararama/Hongwell Land Rover Military 3 pack! British Army Series III, 109-inch Military Soft-Top in the middle and left

Front, Side, and Rear viewsimage

If you know me you’ll know the UN Land Rover is my favorite. Tough to get UN diecast vehicles. This one has “UN” above the headlight on the left and the Union Jack on the other sideimage

They all scale rather nicely with each other:


Good day after b’day haul! Keep the diecast rollin!



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Lee, I remember driving a jeep just like that when I was in the Marines, I know it wasn't a 44 but I bet it road the same. After the corps I had a 48 willy's I love it, it would go anywhere!

Ted, and Paul, one might think you have way to many police on your layout, but if you ask me you can never have to many police, My brother in law is a cop!

Lee D. outstanding job on the trailer! Looks Great!

I wish I had something for you, but the CEO has been keeping me busy!

TMRR, The white car is a 1949 Mercury Monterey'.   Was a very sharp car with a big  powerful V8 and was highly respected as a luxury car one notch below the Lincoln.

The neon sign is scratch built from a plastic box that held floss sticks, lighted with 3 LED strip lights. A paper sign from the net sized to fit.

Thanks very much for the like.  And yes, I think have posted some similar pics of the diner before.....

Morning all.

Ted you have really out done your self with the diner scene! It really make one want to come to eat and meet friends! Plus you are correct some very nice cars showed up!

Richie and Curt you both have some shar 67's! I am just jealous of both of your car collections!

I would show something, but I dont think your interested in cars in boxes! LOL

@mike g. posted:

Morning all.

Ted you have really out done your self with the diner scene! It really make one want to come to eat and meet friends! Plus you are correct some very nice cars showed up!

Richie and Curt you both have some shar 67's! I am just jealous of both of your car collections!

I would show something, but I dont think your interested in cars in boxes! LOL

Oh yes we are post them

The weather is finally clear'. So I thought we should go get a bite to eat at Hammie's Diner.  There is always a great selection of cars in the lot and the best hamburgers in town....🍔🥤😊


Ted, great scene...nice cars and figures!  Makes we want to have a couple of "dogs" hold the relish

The '54, '55 soft yellow Merc with the "optional" green tinted roof looks familiar...Collectors Classics maybe??

Sharing a couple of my finds over the last month. First, can someone tell me how to put the attachments on this First Response Replicas Police Package Chevy Tahoe?? No directions, do I just glue on as I see fit?


And now for the diecast

Corgi Quad Gun tractor. All 3 Land Rovers In pic by cararama, I previously posted while on vacation


Solido 224 Armoured Police Commando


K-line Coca-Cola truck(not diecast but it’s pretty good lookin’!)


Back to front: Busted Knuckles Garage Cabover(Welly), Forest Green Ford Excursion(Anson), 1956 Austin Healy convertible(The Dinky Collection by Matchbox)


back(by red shack) to front: All Corgi Classics- British Army Saladin Armoured car & Centurion MkIII tank(came as set), Churchill Tank



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Ted, great scene...nice cars and figures!  Makes we want to have a couple of "dogs" hold the relish

The '54, '55 soft yellow Merc with the "optional" green tinted roof looks familiar...Collectors Classics maybe??

Paul, the 54 Merc is a Solito from France'... They mad some very nice cars in their day'... Haven't seen any new models.  Don't think they are still in business.........

Some '55 Chevy two-tones in 1/43...there's a red / white version somewhere on the

Chevy Roof 5

Dealer 6

Morning Paul, I sure love this scene at the BEECROFT CHEVROLET! some great looking 55's! But I still love the vett! You can't go wrong with a black and silver convertible corvette.

Oh one more thing Paul, and not to nit pick. but sure hope the HOT brunette on the roof gets to come down for breaks, lunch and get to go on her dates at night! That red dress is really working for her! LOL

@mike g. posted:

Morning Paul, I sure love this scene at the BEECROFT CHEVROLET! some great looking 55's! But I still love the vett! You can't go wrong with a black and silver convertible corvette.

Oh one more thing Paul, and not to nit pick. but sure hope the HOT brunette on the roof gets to come down for breaks, lunch and get to go on her dates at night! That red dress is really working for her! LOL

Mike, she calls the shots at the dealership, and takes breaks whenever she likes!  The GM always gives her the "Salesperson of the Quarter" award...hmmm, I wonder why   

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