@Curt Henion posted:
Curt, great scene...looks like the two guys are closing the deal on the red '57? Nice detail on the fire hydrant...did you paint it yourself? Curious to know who sells the item...
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@Curt Henion posted:
Curt, great scene...looks like the two guys are closing the deal on the red '57? Nice detail on the fire hydrant...did you paint it yourself? Curious to know who sells the item...
@Capetrainman posted:
What’s Christine playing now “I hear you knocking but you can’t come in”.
Lee, I'm guessing after "I Get Around" by the Beach Boys as Curt mentions, she'd follow-up with the flip side of "All Summer Long?" Yours is a great choice too...will keep knockin' though just in case! As Ed Sullivan would say..."now let's hear it for the Beach Boys!"
Hey Paul, no the fire hydrant came that way from Scenic Express.
Hey Artie, I grew up in California, and the Beach Boys were the best. Even with all of their problems, they are still my all time favorite group. Curt
Hey Paul, not only Ed Sullivan Show, but the Beach Boys were on Red Skelton Show a lot too. Curt
Hey Paul, It is very appropriate to have an ambulance sitting by Christine, because at any minute the crap could hit the fan with her. Curt
Hey, Curt, even though I grew up on the East coast, I still liked the imagery of The Beach Boys songs.
By the way, that pickup of yours looks like a sweet ride! Well kept!
@Artie-DL&W posted:
Artie, that's a good looking surf buggy...funny you should mention "Catch a Wave"...one of my favorites. Last weekend, I was walking to a local restaurant approaching the crosswalk. This guy in his car approached the crosswalk first...didn't let me cross Anyway, as he gunned it, he blasted the song "Catch a Wave!" I had to play it a couple of times on the way home...
A little "flat" out there this morning...
@Curt Henion posted:Hey Artie, I grew up in California, and the Beach Boys were the best. Even with all of their problems, they are still my all time favorite group. Curt
I'll second that, Curt..."still crusin' after all these years...!"
@Curt Henion posted:
Curt, that's a good looking unit! Looks in pristine condition...!
@Curt Henion posted:Hey Paul, It is very appropriate to have an ambulance sitting by Christine, because at any minute the crap could hit the fan with her. Curt
Curt, her reputation precedes her...after a couple of cold ones, watch out!
Paul and Curt, it’s a 1999 Road Champs, and came with the surfboard. I grew up surf fishing and boat fishing the New Jersey shore, and still get back there occasionally. Not much of a swimmer, but rode waves on a boogie board. I was just a beach bum.
Hey Paul, I was mistaken. I checked my receipts and the fire hydrants came from Trainworld. They are Woodland Scenics #A2764 Street accessaries. There were two of them in the set. Curt
Afternoon guys, some great shots there and some wonderful cars and trucks!
Artie, I didnt even know they could surf in Jersey! LOL
mike g...NOT SURF IN NJ! now those are "fightin words" ... we have (along with the world's best dinners) some of the greatest beaches in the world. Seaside Heights, Cape May, Long Beach Island, etc etc... OBTW in New Jersey you don't "go to the beach" you "Go Down the Shore" THEN after your there...you go to the beach.
Best regards
@Don McErlean posted:mike g...NOT SURF IN NJ! now those are "fightin words" ... we have (along with the world's best dinners) some of the greatest beaches in the world. Seaside Heights, Cape May, Long Beach Island, etc etc... OBTW in New Jersey you don't "go to the beach" you "Go Down the Shore" THEN after your there...you go to the beach.
Best regards
Don, Iam so sorry, as I have never been there. From what I have seen in movies Jersey has always been the little brother of NY. I guess I need to do some investigation before I speak! LOL
@mike g. posted:Don, Iam so sorry, as I have never been there. From what I have seen in movies Jersey has always been the little brother of NY. I guess I need to do some investigation before I speak! LOL
Mike I’ve hauled all over Jersey it’s a very beautiful place
Mike, they’ve got miles and miles of beaches, and thick forests in the NE portion and the Pine Barrens. Don’t let the view from the NJ Turnpike fool you-it’s not all roads and industry. Of course, I’m happy living in the woods of NE PA, but I grew up in the urban towns of Hoboken, Bayonne, and Jersey City, as well as suburban Dumont. Lots, of railroads, and lots of fishing!
Mike all is forgiven! You are among friends!
Patrick, great scene, I am stuck between the Vett or the bike with the side car!
Lee, Artie and Don, I am sure it is just a wonderful place to live. I just don't know that much about that area but from what you guys are saying it looks a lot like here!
One of the small lakes we go fishing at!
@mike g. posted:
Mike, you sure opened a big can of worms'. Jersey has a variety of different terrains. Ocean coast line, great beaches. Urban city areas. and in the north western area adjacent to PA, beautiful mountains and forests. However, it is no comparison to Washington State' One of the most beautiful states in the north west. I lived in both. Let's not even discuss the tolls on the Garden State'...💰💰💰💰💲💲💲💲😢
Mike, the downside to NJ is that it’s very costly to live there. It’s much less expensive here in PA. I worked for a NYC institution, and when I moved out here to PA in 1995, my money went much further.
Mike, are there bass or trout in that lake?
The outside sales force of Morrison Door arrives early for the post Labor Day sales meeting on Tuesday morning...the top performing sales rep drives the red / white AH 3000...the young blonde, part of the administrative team, loves her VW bug, while the "boss" (in the fedora) can't part with his '55 Chevy Bel-Air...
Back to cars and trucks! The REA driver and his pup trailer barely make between the siding and the main at the crossing. It’s a good thing he’s not hauling a 40’ trailer!
@Artie-DL&W posted:
Artie. That’s a nice Big Job Ford you have there
Thanks, Lee. They were sold as a tractor/trailer pair by Lionel in 2012. 1/48 scale. The pups match the ones on the DL&W 53’ TOFC flats that Lionel made a few years later. So far, Lionel has not made DL&W tractors, that I know of.
The REA is great but I’ve also been admiring that brown and white Chevy (?) station wagon in the background of both your photos. Can you supply more details? Its year, make, the model manufacturer, perhaps? Very nice.
Thanks, Tomlinson Run Railroad
Ted, I cant argue with you there, I have been from here to Quanico Va. for embassy school, DC, and its all nice, just to humid for me!
Artie, its some great tasting trout! Also great job on the REA Truck and trailer!
Paul, great scene! It's not very offten your find an MG next to a VW! LOL
TomlinsonRunRR, it’s a1955 Pontiac Safari by Road Champs, manufactured in 1995.
Artie, I saw that hood ornament and leapt to “Chevy” in my mind. Nice work on the two tone look by Road Champs.
It is 1964 and this CP Autorack is delivering new 1964 Fords to the dealer. Most of these are IXO models that I have had in boxes on the shelf for a few years.
Found some Greenlight 1970 Ford F100 pickup trucks at a good price and just picked up this 1966 Mack to haul them. I used a New Ray toy auto carrier body and trailer. I did not want to destroy the truck so I modified the auto rack to fit, trimmed off one of the bottom screw mounts and slight sanding of the other center screw mounting tab to slide into the trucks 5th wheel hole. I glued on a piece of plastic to the rear so it just sits on the truck without any damage to the truck. I got a piece of brass tubing, bent it and sprayed it silver to slide over the top of the vertical exhaust stack to route it away from the vehicles. And had to raise the top deck to clear the truck wind deflector and exhaust stack. Glued on bits of plastic to keep the trucks from rolling off. All 1970 Fords on the way to the dealer. I love the colors and details on the trucks. Green light are great vehicles with good price.
I've had these for as long as I can remember, perhaps used by my Father on a Christmas putz in the late '30s for my much older Sister... Any ideas who made them?
@kj356 posted:
Wow what a brilliant selection'. I love those Ford wagons'... and the pick ups'.. I Take it you are a Ford man'...😁 ... So am I...👍👌
Beautiful auto carriers, both rail and truck, and beautiful vehicles. I have nothing new myself, but I don’t think I could fit another her vehicle on my layout!
Too many vehicles and not enough roads. I can't help myself when an antique store, train store, flea market etc offers 1:43 or 1:50 size vehicles. I have 5 big boxes of vehicles, including 1 and half boxes (crates?) of Solido military vehicles. And then I see these 64 Chevrolet's rolling to the dealerships, and my first thought was...where can I get them! They are absolute beauties, great display, thanks for sharing.
@Chuck242 posted:Too many vehicles and not enough roads. I can't help myself when an antique store, train store, flea market etc offers 1:43 or 1:50 size vehicles. I have 5 big boxes of vehicles, including 1 and half boxes (crates?) of Solido military vehicles. And then I see these 64 Chevrolet's rolling to the dealerships, and my first thought was...where can I get them! They are absolute beauties, great display, thanks for sharing.
Chuck, I think they are IXO models. They produce realistic quality replicas'.. I think those wagons are 1964 Ford Galaxies'....
Hello diecast enthusiasts, Now, new arrival in stock, at Die Cast Direct'.. The 1954 GMC Cannon Ball COE'..., These babies will sell out fast'... I just ordered mine;,,,😁👍..
Ted, I'm with you...those '64 Ford Galaxy wagons are sharp...wish I had a couple for the layout... I'm a Chevy guy, but Ford wagons were always my favorite "station wagon"...!
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Too bad it’s not a “Real” Cannonball GMC 950 this was the smaller gas burner why they call this a Cannonball I’ll never know us old school Truckers knows what the real Cannonball looks like.
@kj356 posted:Found some Greenlight 1970 Ford F100 pickup trucks at a good price and just picked up this 1966 Mack to haul them. I used a New Ray toy auto carrier body and trailer. I did not want to destroy the truck so I modified the auto rack to fit, trimmed off one of the bottom screw mounts and slight sanding of the other center screw mounting tab to slide into the trucks 5th wheel hole. I glued on a piece of plastic to the rear so it just sits on the truck without any damage to the truck. I got a piece of brass tubing, bent it and sprayed it silver to slide over the top of the vertical exhaust stack to route it away from the vehicles. And had to raise the top deck to clear the truck wind deflector and exhaust stack. Glued on bits of plastic to keep the trucks from rolling off. All 1970 Fords on the way to the dealer. I love the colors and details on the trucks. Green light are great vehicles with good price.
356...nice collection of vehicles1 I've added the GL F100's to the table, but sorry I missed the "Galaxie" wagons...!
@kj356 posted:Found some Greenlight 1970 Ford F100 pickup trucks at a good price and just picked up this 1966 Mack to haul them. I used a New Ray toy auto carrier body and trailer. I did not want to destroy the truck so I modified the auto rack to fit, trimmed off one of the bottom screw mounts and slight sanding of the other center screw mounting tab to slide into the trucks 5th wheel hole. I glued on a piece of plastic to the rear so it just sits on the truck without any damage to the truck. I got a piece of brass tubing, bent it and sprayed it silver to slide over the top of the vertical exhaust stack to route it away from the vehicles. And had to raise the top deck to clear the truck wind deflector and exhaust stack. Glued on bits of plastic to keep the trucks from rolling off. All 1970 Fords on the way to the dealer. I love the colors and details on the trucks. Green light are great vehicles with good price.
I like how you snuck that Bronco in there some really nice trucks
@lee drennen posted:Too bad it’s not a “Real” Cannonball GMC 950 this was the smaller gas burner why they call this a Cannonball I’ll never know us old school Truckers knows what the real Cannonball looks like.
Come on Lee, let's not go in the weeds'... No nitpicking on this thread'..😃 However, not the real thing, but it is a close facsimile. The only other cannon ball, I know of is the Corgi version. This one is much more realistic.... A little doctoring will bring it to life...
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:Come on Lee, let's not go in the weeds'... No nitpicking on this thread'..😃 However, not the real thing, but it is a close facsimile. The only other cannon ball, I know of is the Corgi version. This one is much more realistic.... A little doctoring will bring it to life...
Ok Ted no nitpicking but it’s Lipstick on a pig to me
@lee drennen posted:Ok Ted no nitpicking but it’s Lipstick on a pig to me
Lee, I've been looking for the gas burner,... Can't find anything'... on them...??
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:Lee, I've been looking for the gas burner,... Can't find anything'... on them...??
What are you talking about?
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Lee, I've been looking for the gas burner,... Can't find anything'... on them...??
If your talking about this truck. This was a GMC 450 gas burner and a Diesel Engine was never a option and did not look no where near a like GMC 950 IXO missed the mark big time on this one.
Dinky made the only 1/48 GMC Cannonball 950 that I know of I don’t think Corgi ever did.
@lee drennen posted:If your talking about this truck. This was a GMC 450 gas burner and a Diesel Engine was never a option and did not look no where near a like GMC 950 IXO missed the mark big time on this one.
Dinky made the only 1/48 GMC Cannonball 950 that I know of I don’t think Corgi ever did.
TootsieToy - edited after Lee's message.
ERTL, ERTL and TootsieToy - edited after Lee's message.
@rattler21 posted:
John that yellow one is a Tootsietoy so is the green ones. I really like those Tootsietoy trucks. Look underneath it and you will see the name Tootsietoy and made in the USA on it
@rattler21 posted:Lee, you're right. Another senior moment. Thank you, John
That’s ok John I’m experienced them more and more every day. I think you said they were Tootsietoy one time when you posted some pics on your layout
KJ365, Nice auto carrier and car hauler and I have to agree some really nice Ford trucks, and it looks like someone snuk a grand Torino on the back of the auto carrier. Kind of makes you wonder if that is for the owner of the auto dealer! LOL
Paul, great scene. I have a feeling that wherever the ladies go for happy hour there will be plenty of free drinks for them all!
Nothing new from me today sorry!
Here is the Corgi version. Not sure if it is a 450, or 960... Full restore on page 67, this thread..
Lee do you remember this post... page 67..😁
Another before and after'.. This GMC Cannonball Cab Over Engine, is dedicated to Lee Drennen'. As a THANK YOU' for starting this thread, which has brought me much enjoyment'.. This a Corgi restore'... Fresh Testors model enamel, decals from Proto 48'. Train decals. Another idea I got from Lee'...😃
Before: shot
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:Here is the Corgi version. Not sure if it is a 450, or 960... Full restore on page 67, this thread..
Lee do you remember this post... page 67..😁
Another before and after'.. This GMC Cannonball Cab Over Engine, is dedicated to Lee Drennen'. As a THANK YOU' for starting this thread, which has brought me much enjoyment'.. This a Corgi restore'... Fresh Testors model enamel, decals from Proto 48'. Train decals. Another idea I got from Lee'...😃
Before: shot
I remember that truck but I still think it’s a Dinky. What does it say on the bottom should say Dinky or Corgi. Your Truck is a 950 GMC. GMC never made a 960 that look like that the 960 came out in 1967-72 and it was as 2- 2 1/2 ton
@lee drennen posted:I remember that truck but I still think it’s a Dinky. What does it say on the bottom should say Dinky or Corgi. Your Truck is a 950 GMC. GMC never made a 960 that look like that the 960 came out in 1967-72 and it was a 2 1/2 ton
This is indeed a Corgi'...
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
This is indeed a Corgi'...
Does it say Corgi on the bottom? The Bottom of your truck still has the original frame Should look like this.
Picked up this '57 Nomad at my LHS over the weekend. Always one of my favorite cars - love the ribbed half-roof.
Richie, that's a nice score at the hobby shop...the "Nomad" has always been a favorite of mine...here's my '55 for sale with the other '55's at the dealership...
@mike g. posted:KJ365, Nice auto carrier and car hauler and I have to agree some really nice Ford trucks, and it looks like someone snuk a grand Torino on the back of the auto carrier. Kind of makes you wonder if that is for the owner of the auto dealer! LOL
Paul, great scene. I have a feeling that wherever the ladies go for happy hour there will be plenty of free drinks for them all!
Nothing new from me today sorry!
Mike, the gals always buy any "vet" a drink at the happy hour...only criteria is you must be present in the "dress summer uniform"...for the Marine, blue pants, kaki short sleeve shirt, and white cap...
@Artie-DL&W posted:
Artie, I was looking for your "board" and "buggy" out there this weekend...the surf was rough as the hurricane passed by out to sea... These guys and gals missed the big one and didn't catch this wave, but I was thinking of the song as I snapped the pic...notice the rainbow in the mist...
@Capetrainman posted:
Thanks - that's a nice '55, too - all of the tri-fives are great looking cars.
Great photos everyone! Paul you have one of the best car dealerships on any layout! As far as summer dress, use to have them. All I have left is a complete set of dress blues for my final day!
You all make the old time cars looks so amazing, your even making a modern day guy thinking about getting more 50 & 60 cars!
Artie Richie and Paul your wagons look very nice thanks for sharing them I agree with Mike nice pics today
Thanks for the comments, guys!
Paul, great surf pic.
Hey, I have one of my photos in the Oct/Nov. OGR!
@lee drennen wow! I have not seen that- that is one nice truck- paint is exquisite & crisp. Whose the mfg? Or did you do that yourself?(Many in this thread have incredible scratch building abilities so I don’t feel this question is dumb)
@Capetrainman that is a really cool dealership you have going! The landscaping around it is on point!I love the extra benefits that some accessory buildings bring. Ex- a Menards police station has the tunnel through the building and can be a place for your extra police vehicles. Your dealership is ripe with those benefits- place for your 1955, era-specific cars, figures to “converse” with each other, twice a year decorate a little bit for some deals, etc... Gotta love this hobby!
Here are some things I picked up at yesterday’s train show in Hamburg, PA. While the turnout(sellers and buyers) was less than usual, There were A LOT of diecast vehicles- both NIB and loose-to be had for great prices!(none more than $10!)
In the two pics below(right to left): Corgi Classics Seagraves Anniversary pumper, Dinky Toys Lincoln Continental, Corgi Classics Greyhound Bus(destination Chicago), Matchbox Super Kong’s Mercedes-Benz “Binz” ambulance, Corgi Commer 3/4 truck(making it’s delivery to the food stand)
Not new,But first time on my layout- from my dad’s Collection- Corgi Major Exxon tractor & tanker
Corgi 1:48 scale Birney trolley($10!!)
The container isn’t diecast, but the chassis is, both Came with the K-Line TCA Exclusive Front Runner I got 2 weeks back
The first 3 pics scene was set to include all the vehicles to keep post shorter- that said, they all fit great on the layout!
@StevefromPA posted:@lee drennen wow! I have not seen that- that is one nice truck- paint is exquisite & crisp. Whose the mfg? Or did you do that yourself?(Many in this thread have incredible scratch building abilities so I don’t feel this question is dumb)
@Capetrainman that is a really cool dealership you have going! The landscaping around it is on point!I love the extra benefits that some accessory buildings bring. Ex- a Menards police station has the tunnel through the building and can be a place for your extra police vehicles. Your dealership is ripe with those benefits- place for your 1955, era-specific cars, figures to “converse” with each other, twice a year decorate a little bit for some deals, etc... Gotta love this hobby!
Thanks Steve it’s a Don Mills kit. I might post a H Mack I built from a resin kit from Romania
@StevefromPA posted:Here are some things I picked up at yesterday’s train show in Hamburg, PA. While the turnout(sellers and buyers) was less than usual, There were A LOT of diecast vehicles- both NIB and loose-to be had for great prices!(none more than $10!)
In the two pics below(right to left): Corgi Classics Seagraves Anniversary pumper, Dinky Toys Lincoln Continental, Corgi Classics Greyhound Bus(destination Chicago), Matchbox Super Kong’s Mercedes-Benz “Binz” ambulance, Corgi Commer 3/4 truck(making it’s delivery to the food stand)
Not new,But first time on my layout- from my dad’s Collection- Corgi Major Exxon tractor & tanker
Corgi 1:48 scale Birney trolley($10!!)
The container isn’t diecast, but the chassis is, both Came with the K-Line TCA Exclusive Front Runner I got 2 weeks back
The first 3 pics scene was set to include all the vehicles to keep post shorter- that said, they all fit great on the layout!
I like that trolley and a great price
Hey Lee, thanks for posting the pictures of the yellow and green Mack again. I hadn’t seen it yet. Sweet die cast. Curt
@lee drennen posted:
Lee, some great looking trucks here...curious who makes the yellow Mack tow truck...?
Some fine looking trucks, Lee. I’m going to try to find one of those Mack Cannonballs.
@Capetrainman posted:Lee, some great looking trucks here...curious who makes the yellow Mack tow truck...?
Paul I Custom made it. It’s a Corgi with a 1/43 1950 Chevy tow body I’ll get some pics of the build for you if I can find them
@Artie-DL&W posted:Some fine looking trucks, Lee. I’m going to try to find one of those Mack Cannonballs.
Good luck there pretty hard to find might want to try eBay first. If you get one keep it in room temperature the resin is junk. I paid $125 for this kit and it’s all hand painted by me
'Looks like there may be a traffic jam'...
Turns out' cars are getting lined up for service or repair, at Ballard's . Going to be a busy day for them. Nothing new as they have the best shop in town...
Ballard can also order a brand new Hudson or Studebaker for customers. There is no show room or actual dealership. But in an effort to increase sales, Packard Corp, issues special franchises to established repair shops with very good reputations that sell tires, parts, and batteries for their cars. One can imagine how hectic it must be operating this multi disciplined business.
Everything comes to an abrupt halt, when the 12:01 PM, Santa Fe Special, mixed consist, rumbles down the middle of main street'... So be it, life in a small town'..
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:'Looks like there may be a traffic jam'...
Turns out' cars are getting lined up for service or repair, at Ballard's . Going to be a busy day for them. Nothing new as they have the best shop in town...
Ballard can also order a brand new Hudson or Studebaker for customers. There is no show room or actual dealership. But in an effort to increase sales, Packard Corp, issues special franchises to established repair shops with very good reputations that sell tires, parts, and batteries for their cars. One can imagine how hectic it must be operating this multi disciplined business.
Everything comes to an abrupt halt, when the 12:01 PM, Santa Fe Special, mixed consist, rumbles down the middle of main street'... So be it, life in a small town'..
Ted, traffic jam, indeed. Looks like the DC Beltway at rush hour! Great back story.
StevefromPA, looks like a great haul! Your just like Ted, quite the traffic jam!
Lee, What a wonderful collection of trucks! They would look great on anyones layout! I really love the yellow Mack tow truck!
Ted, with all those cars and trucks along main street it is amazing that more dont get hit by the 12:01 Santa Fe Special! LOL
Great pictures eveyone!
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:'Looks like there may be a traffic jam'...
Turns out' cars are getting lined up for service or repair, at Ballard's . Going to be a busy day for them. Nothing new as they have the best shop in town...
Ballard can also order a brand new Hudson or Studebaker for customers. There is no show room or actual dealership. But in an effort to increase sales, Packard Corp, issues special franchises to established repair shops with very good reputations that sell tires, parts, and batteries for their cars. One can imagine how hectic it must be operating this multi disciplined business.
Everything comes to an abrupt halt, when the 12:01 PM, Santa Fe Special, mixed consist, rumbles down the middle of main street'... So be it, life in a small town'..
Ted. Never seen this side of your layout very nice and looks very busy. I like that trailer that Mack is pulling do you have a side shot of it?? Thanks for sharing
@mike g. posted:StevefromPA, looks like a great haul! Your just like Ted, quite the traffic jam!
Lee, What a wonderful collection of trucks! They would look great on anyones layout! I really love the yellow Mack tow truck!
Ted, with all those cars and trucks along main street it is amazing that more dont get hit by the 12:01 Santa Fe Special! LOL
Great pictures eveyone!
Thanks Mike. I hope to get more done and on the layout this winter
@lee drennen posted:Thanks Mike. I hope to get more done and on the layout this winter
You and me both my friend!
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:'Looks like there may be a traffic jam'...
Turns out' cars are getting lined up for service or repair, at Ballard's . Going to be a busy day for them. Nothing new as they have the best shop in town...
Ballard can also order a brand new Hudson or Studebaker for customers. There is no show room or actual dealership. But in an effort to increase sales, Packard Corp, issues special franchises to established repair shops with very good reputations that sell tires, parts, and batteries for their cars. One can imagine how hectic it must be operating this multi disciplined business.
Everything comes to an abrupt halt, when the 12:01 PM, Santa Fe Special, mixed consist, rumbles down the middle of main street'... So be it, life in a small town'..
Ted, I keep seeing great pics of your layout that I've not seen before here...lots of prosperous activity there...!
@lee drennen posted:
Lee, that's two great units...I wish I had your creative ability to put together a unit like the Mack tow truck...thanks for posting!
Lee, you have inspired me to get another Atlantis tank/tractor kit. I plan on making the tractor an REA cab, and the tank an Army Air Force for my Area 51 layout.
@Artie-DL&W posted:Lee, you have inspired me to get another Atlantis tank/tractor kit. I plan on making the tractor an REA cab, and the tank an Army Air Force for my Area 51 layout.
Music to my ears Artie! I can’t wait to see how this turns out. Remember I shorted the tank and put side supports on it if you want to copy mine. If you have a corgi Mack B with the van body that body with the White 3000 would make a great looking REA delivery truck. I’ll post some pics of what I came up with about 6 years ago but never finished. BTW Artie I used HO Microscale decals for the White Tractor
@Capetrainman posted:Lee, that's two great units...I wish I had your creative ability to put together a unit like the Mack tow truck...thanks for posting!
Thanks Paul. It’s easy I bet you could do it. I kicked that thought in my head for years just couldn’t find the right tow body for it.
A few years ago, in a small town, l was startled to be stopped by a road diesel in full size moving, slowly and carefully, toward me on street rails through the business district. I wonder if it and many still exist, and if any prototypic rail crossings, beyond traction, exist. An impressive modeled scene.
I would love to find Diecast cars in 1/43 or 1/48 scale of the cars in the photo below. I've searched and searched on the internet but 1/43 and 1/48 are hard to find a good selection.
On the lift: '61 Chevy Impala SS 409 dual quad 4 speed. Under the lift: '61 Chevy Belair sedan, 283, 2 speed auto. On the right: '58 Chevy Impala Coupe 348 2 speed auto. On the left: '65 Chevy Impala SS 396 3 speed auto (Current engine 496 CI (stroked 454). I have found some '65 Impala's in 1/43, but they are Sedan's and not Coupe's or SS. :-( If anybody comes across any of these let me know. Obviously the specs don't need to match in the Diecast. :-)
Thanks, Scott
Lee, I don’t have a Corgi Mack B. What color green are you using for REA trucks? The Atlantis cab looks small with the Lionel REA trailer, but both are supposed to be 1/48 scale.
Thanks for the tip on the HO decals. I think I’ll build the trailer full size to see how it looks on the Lionel piggyback flats. I’ll keep you posted-just put the order in!
@Capetrainman posted:
Nice '59 Impala rag top!!! I hope the guy, I'm guessing that's Joe at the right fender, isn't planning to drive that Imp!!!
Paul, great scene, but I think Joe might have had one to many to make it up the steps to the deck! Maybe they would hand him down a burger! LOL
Here you go guys. All I have for today!
Its from Menards and thats ok to me. I also got2 BNSF flatcars that they were loaded on. So as far as I think its a double win for me!
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