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@Artie-DL&W posted:

Lee, I don’t have a Corgi Mack B. What color green are you using for REA trucks? The Atlantis cab looks small with the Lionel REA trailer, but both are supposed to be 1/48 scale.
Thanks for the tip on the HO decals. I think I’ll build the trailer full size to see how it looks on the Lionel piggyback flats. I’ll keep you posted-just put the order in!

Artie I used at the time odds n ends brand made by pactra I built that truck about 15 years ago you can’t buy it anymore I done think but I now use Krylon short cuts Hunter Green. You can get those Mack’s on eBay pretty cheap if you want.

@mike g. posted:

Paul, great scene, but I think Joe might have had one to many to make it up the steps to the deck! Maybe they would hand him down a burger! LOL

Here you go guys. All I have for today!


Its from Menards and thats ok to me. I also got2 BNSF flatcars that they were loaded on. So as far as I think its a double win for me!

Mike. Thanks for sharing looks like you got a International lonestar on the layout now.

Western, one of the gals will most likely confiscate his keys, although it was a different world in '59...  Let's just say things were a little more loose...

Paul, let's say things were more relaxed... and NO PC..... There was plenty of DWIs, My sister and me just missed being clipped by a Hudson Hornet, driven by a WW2 Vet, that had one two many'...  We were playing in front of our house, at the bottom of the hill.  The Vet lost control coming down it.  My father was home and came to to see the upside down Hornet.  He started talking to the driver, and no police were called.  Two Vets reminiscing about the war.  The driver did get lectured about his behavior...  Then a wrecker was questions asked, another Vet.. end of story'..

Lee, that sure is a sharp looking REA Trailer! But then again most of what you have on your layout looks great!

Shasta, Very nice! I think its a Chevy either way I sure hope it doesn't get high centered on the tracks and block traffic!

I was able to get some folks to come to town today!



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@WesternPacific2217 posted:

I would love to find Diecast cars in 1/43 or 1/48 scale of the cars in the photo below. I've searched and searched on the internet but 1/43 and 1/48 are hard to find a good selection.

On the lift: '61 Chevy Impala SS 409 dual quad 4 speed. Under the lift: '61 Chevy Belair sedan, 283, 2 speed auto. On the right: '58 Chevy Impala Coupe 348 2 speed auto. On the left: '65 Chevy Impala SS 396 3 speed auto (Current engine 496 CI (stroked 454). I have found some '65 Impala's in 1/43, but they are Sedan's and not Coupe's or SS. :-( If anybody comes across any of these let me know. Obviously the specs don't need to match in the Diecast. :-)

Thanks, Scott

Both of the Chevrolets on and under the lift are 1962 models, not 1961.

@mike g. posted:

Lee, that sure is a sharp looking REA Trailer! But then again most of what you have on your layout looks great!

Shasta, Very nice! I think its a Chevy either way I sure hope it doesn't get high centered on the tracks and block traffic!

I was able to get some folks to come to town today!


Nice Mike, to see it starting to come to life'... I like your roads... Looking very good'...😊👌👍❤✔

Today, I was at a Tractor Supply store and saw some pretty cool model trucks, from 1/43 to what appeared to be about 1/48 scale. Really good prices on all of them:


I don't model modern times so I couldn't use them.

However, a good friend of mine in the hobby who also loves scale trucks isn't bound to a timeframe as I am, so I got these for him, as I'm heading his way soon:


I took this shot to compare them with known 1/43 scale stuff. His cutoff for scale is 1/50 and I'm pretty sure they're just a little bit larger scale than that, not bad especially for the price.


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@p51 posted:

Today, I was at a Tractor Supply store and saw some pretty cool model trucks, from 1/43 to what appeared to be about 1/48 scale.


I took this shot to compare them with known 1/43 scale stuff. His cutoff for scale is 1/50 and I'm pretty sure they're just a little bit larger scale than that, not bad especially for the price.

Lee,  If it is not too much trouble, what is the width of the Army truck? Thank you, John

@p51 posted:

Today, I was at a Tractor Supply store and saw some pretty cool model trucks, from 1/43 to what appeared to be about 1/48 scale. Really good prices on all of them:


I don't model modern times so I couldn't use them.

However, a good friend of mine in the hobby who also loves scale trucks isn't bound to a timeframe as I am, so I got these for him, as I'm heading his way soon:


I took this shot to compare them with known 1/43 scale stuff. His cutoff for scale is 1/50 and I'm pretty sure they're just a little bit larger scale than that, not bad especially for the price.

Wow Lee! Thanks for sharing now you got my head spinning guess I’ll be checking these out at or local store about 10 miles away.

Paul, let's say things were more relaxed... and NO PC..... There was plenty of DWIs, My sister and me just missed being clipped by a Hudson Hornet, driven by a WW2 Vet, that had one two many'...  We were playing in front of our house, at the bottom of the hill.  The Vet lost control coming down it.  My father was home and came to to see the upside down Hornet.  He started talking to the driver, and no police were called.  Two Vets reminiscing about the war.  The driver did get lectured about his behavior...  Then a wrecker was questions asked, another Vet.. end of story'..

That's a great way to put it, Ted...we're fortunate to have grown up during that time in our country...the 50's, and what the heck, even the 60's and 70's too...

I would love to find Diecast cars in 1/43 or 1/48 scale of the cars in the photo below. I've searched and searched on the internet but 1/43 and 1/48 are hard to find a good selection.

On the lift: '61 Chevy Impala SS 409 dual quad 4 speed. Under the lift: '61 Chevy Belair sedan, 283, 2 speed auto. On the right: '58 Chevy Impala Coupe 348 2 speed auto. On the left: '65 Chevy Impala SS 396 3 speed auto (Current engine 496 CI (stroked 454). I have found some '65 Impala's in 1/43, but they are Sedan's and not Coupe's or SS. :-( If anybody comes across any of these let me know. Obviously the specs don't need to match in the Diecast. :-)

Western, I'm pretty sure I've seen a '62 Chevy on the Diecast Direct may be a Goldvarg (sp?) a little pricey but real nice.  DD may also have a Brooklin '65 Chevy Impala,  convertible black with red colors, but out of my price range at the moment.  I'll wait to see if "Joe" slips me few more stimulus bucks?  Only kidding...

Thanks, Scott

Three of my favorite Chevy's...even the '58...!  '65 was my fav, and '62 second fav followed by the '57.  Recently saw an original '62 Impala "409"...always wanted to see one after listening the the Beach Boys singing "409" for decades now

Last edited by Capetrainman

A few years later out of the 50's and into the late '60's, the Chevy SS 396 wasn't bad either!

Rally 4

Hi Paul, great photo, great scene! 68 - 71 Chevelle's and Pontiac Tempest/GTO are my favs. There's a stray Mopar in there, and the Cadillac is looking on jealously! LoL FYI - The 65 Impala is mine and referred to by many as the Black Beast! 409's are such cool looking engines, and run good too. Dual quad versions are a handful to drive, I prefer a single quad for the street. Glad you got to see one in person, as they are getting more and more rare.

Western...came close to buying a '65 Chevy Impala convertible in ' with red interior with a white soft top and a 327, stick on the post.  Only problem was I didn't have enough money...$1,825.  I went to my father and grandfather for a loan, and they both declined...a good thing as I probably would have gotten too many speeding tickets or even worst, ran into a good ole days

Great cars everyone!

Lee, thanks for posting, I am like Lee and will have to check out Tractor Supply here in Shelton. They would look right in place on my layout!

Paul, wonderful cars! When I was a freshman in high school, I bought a 1965 Chevy Chevelle fixer upper. I got the motor rebuilt in auto class, all the interior redone and all that was let was a new paint job. I joined the Marines so I put it up on blocks covered it with a $400 car cover. When I got back home for my first leave a year and half later my mother had sold it to the kid down the street for $500! I was so ****ed! LOL


My offer for today!


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@mike g. posted:

Great cars everyone!

Lee, thanks for posting, I am like Lee and will have to check out Tractor Supply here in Shelton. They would look right in place on my layout!

Paul, wonderful cars! When I was a freshman in high school, I bought a 1965 Chevy Chevelle fixer upper. I got the motor rebuilt in auto class, all the interior redone and all that was let was a new paint job. I joined the Marines so I put it up on blocks covered it with a $400 car cover. When I got back home for my first leave a year and half later my mother had sold it to the kid down the street for $500! I was so ****ed! LOL


My offer for today!

Mike, great scene and the "Red Owl" takes the prize...nice job on the road and parking lot too....the parking lot lines look perfect...

Western...came close to buying a '65 Chevy Impala convertible in ' with red interior with a white soft top and a 327, stick on the post.  Only problem was I didn't have enough money...$1,825.  I went to my father and grandfather for a loan, and they both declined...a good thing as I probably would have gotten too many speeding tickets or even worst, ran into a good ole days

Hey Paul, to bad you couldn't muster up the bucks for that 65 Impala rag top! Plus a 4 speed 327 model, sweet and rare.

@mike g. posted:

Great cars everyone!

Lee, thanks for posting, I am like Lee and will have to check out Tractor Supply here in Shelton. They would look right in place on my layout!

Paul, wonderful cars! When I was a freshman in high school, I bought a 1965 Chevy Chevelle fixer upper. I got the motor rebuilt in auto class, all the interior redone and all that was let was a new paint job. I joined the Marines so I put it up on blocks covered it with a $400 car cover. When I got back home for my first leave a year and half later my mother had sold it to the kid down the street for $500! I was so ****ed! LOL


My offer for today!

Menards comes through again with the Red Owl! Great looking scene! Did you use pin striping for the road lines and parking lot? I still need lines on my roads, I'm thinking automotive pin stripping, or automotive paint masking tape, which comes in a bunch of colors would work too. Nice looking layout Mike!


Haven't posted on this thread for quite a while.

Two Fishbowl buses that I purchased recently arrived at my home today, bringing my O Gauge fleet of NY MTA buses to 4.  First is a mid 1960's MaBSTOA in the green livery by Hachette of France.


And then 1980's White & Blue livery by Iconic Replicas



The front of the fleet lined up in chronological order at Floyd Bennett Field (South Florida Division) ...


...and then the rear of the fleet lined up in chronological order


I noticed on that in their "batwing" models, that Iconic Replicas included the roof top fan vent on the white + blue model

Up close and personal Route by Route





And then the overall fleet of HO and O along with the NYPD


@Apples55, have you been prescribed any medication yet for your fishbowl addiction?


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Haven't posted on this thread for quite a while.

Two Fishbowl buses that I purchased recently arrived at my home today, bringing my O Gauge fleet of NY MTA buses to 4.  First is a mid 1960's MaBSTOA in the green livery by Hachette of France.


@Apples55, have you been prescribed any medication yet for your fishbowl addiction?


I do not take medication for my numerous addictions - unless you consider fine Irish sippin’ whiskey as medicinal

That Hachette fishbowl is beautiful... so I just had to order one. I hold you completely responsible     Break out the Irish!!!

I think the only cure for my “fishbowl addiction” is to block all bad influences... of course, if you find a source for the MTA buses that proceeded the fishbowls, I would be ecstatic!!! The ones I am talking about were also green, but had windows that opened up and down as opposed the front to back. Half the windows didn’t work (always fun when it started to rain), and the ones that did managed to painfully pinch your fingers!!!

Two el cheapo truck tractors picked out of a misc. junk box at a train show.  Should have taken a before picture and didn't but here are the results.

The burgundy Kenworth was a badly scratched KLine Proctor and Gamble tractor from the late 1980's.  Broken stacks and some messed up tires.  Brass tubing, Don Mills Wheels and Mirrors, new paint and some TLC detailing.

The Blue Ford had been badly painted black, missing grill, broken wheels.  Grill made from plastruct car siding, different wheels, Don Mills horns, plastruct rod for clearance lights, new paint and again some TLC detailing.  Still need something to simulate the headlights.

Both now look like pretty decent models, they are not Sword's, but for the money OK.  I still get amazed at how good the basic body's are and with a little detailing and TLC a sow's ear can look like a silk purse.



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  • Blue Ford
  • Burgundy Kenworth
  • Trucks Passing
@NHVRYGray posted:

Two el cheapo truck tractors picked out of a misc. junk box at a train show.  Should have taken a before picture and didn't but here are the results.

The burgundy Kenworth was a badly scratched KLine Proctor and Gamble tractor from the late 1980's.  Broken stacks and some messed up tires.  Brass tubing, Don Mills Wheels and Mirrors, new paint and some TLC detailing.

The Blue Ford had been badly painted black, missing grill, broken wheels.  Grill made from plastruct car siding, different wheels, Don Mills horns, plastruct rod for clearance lights, new paint and again some TLC detailing.  Still need something to simulate the headlights.

Both now look like pretty decent models, they are not Sword's, but for the money OK.  I still get amazed at how good the basic body's are and with a little detailing and TLC a sow's ear can look like a silk purse.


I like that KW

Haven't posted on this thread for quite a while.

Two Fishbowl buses that I purchased recently arrived at my home today, bringing my O Gauge fleet of NY MTA buses to 4.  First is a mid 1960's MaBSTOA in the green livery by Hachette of France.


And then 1980's White & Blue livery by Iconic Replicas



The front of the fleet lined up in chronological order at Floyd Bennett Field (South Florida Division) ...


...and then the rear of the fleet lined up in chronological order


I noticed on that in their "batwing" models, that Iconic Replicas included the roof top fan vent on the white + blue model

Up close and personal Route by Route





And then the overall fleet of HO and O along with the NYPD


@Apples55, have you been prescribed any medication yet for your fishbowl addiction?

Kevin. That’s a great looking collection you have thanks for sharing

Morning guys,

Kevin, very nice collection of busses! For never being there I have no idea what bus goes where so I would really get lost! But again wonderful collection and thanks for sharing!

NHVRYGray, Outstanding work on the Trucks I am with Lee I too like the KW. But they both look like they just came off the showroom floor! Great work!

@NHVRYGray posted:

Two el cheapo truck tractors picked out of a misc. junk box at a train show.  Should have taken a before picture and didn't but here are the results.

The burgundy Kenworth was a badly scratched KLine Proctor and Gamble tractor from the late 1980's.  Broken stacks and some messed up tires.  Brass tubing, Don Mills Wheels and Mirrors, new paint and some TLC detailing.

The Blue Ford had been badly painted black, missing grill, broken wheels.  Grill made from plastruct car siding, different wheels, Don Mills horns, plastruct rod for clearance lights, new paint and again some TLC detailing.  Still need something to simulate the headlights.

Both now look like pretty decent models, they are not Sword's, but for the money OK.  I still get amazed at how good the basic body's are and with a little detailing and TLC a sow's ear can look like a silk purse.


Nice work,got to have that chrome!

@mike g. posted:

Paul, I love the night scene and all the busses! Looks great! What is really impressive is the EYHOUND station!

Lee, don't forget if your interested drop me a line!

Thanks, Mike...I'm not quick enough with the shutter button any more to caption the sign as it's fully lighted...the sign goes from a single letter lite to additional lights in sequence one at a time until all letters are lite...then the sequence starts all over again!  Did I say that

I'll try again to get the whole sign lighted...

@mike g. posted:

Artie, looks like you have a great model to build and a start for the rest of us to watch your build!

Here are a couple Autos I just put out on the layout! I hope you all enjoy.


Mike, you've got some serious highway going on right here...good looking road system!  What base did you use for the highway??  I can't tell is it's foamboard...

Paul, that is an awesome scene! That Greyhound bus in the front of the station looks like a MTH, as I have one too that I put headlights and taillights in. Your layout looks great, and I love night scenes!

Western, thanks...two of the buses are MTH and the "Scenicruiser's" are of my favorite spots on the layout...

Shasta, Gotta love the Disney “Cars” theme! Somebody needs to have a talk with the person in the greenish car about railroad safety! LoL The blue auto carrier is awesome.

Sorry for the delay, I work out of town couldn't remember for sure what it was. It's a Franklin Mint that I got 1632506526458260300552at discount because there was no box and a paint rub on the roof. It is a Mercury Monterey not sure of the year as the invoice does not specify that.1632506095129799582835


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Shasta, Gotta love the Disney “Cars” theme! Somebody needs to have a talk with the person in the greenish car about railroad safety! LoL The blue auto carrier is awesome.

Sorry Western Pacific 2217, someone had asked if that was a Chevy apparently a different thread. Answered you without reading the post through. I was collecting The Cars Land buildings with the intent to make a module. And as seems to be typical with Disney they stopped the series before they finished with all the pieces. I have used them as a temporary fill to my one turned helix. The grand kids really like them. When the three-year-old first saw them he said" oh Disneyland" after looking around for a couple of minutes then ask " where are the rides?"

Last edited by shasta
@shasta posted:

Sorry for the delay, I work out of town couldn't remember for sure what it was. It's a Franklin Mint that I got 1632506526458260300552at discount because there was no box and a paint rub on the roof. It is a Mercury Monterey not sure of the year as the invoice does not specify that.1632506095129799582835

This a 1949 through 51.  Mercury redesigned the body in 52.   The 49 was a very big seller, it was the next step up from the best selling 49 Ford', and  considered and advertised as a luxury car. The 4 door model was the biggest seller..

@shasta posted:

Sorry for the delay, I work out of town couldn't remember for sure what it was. It's a Franklin Mint that I got 1632506526458260300552at discount because there was no box and a paint rub on the roof. It is a Mercury Monterey not sure of the year as the invoice does not specify that.1632506095129799582835

Franklin Mint did a nice job on their "Classic Cars of The 50' (and 60"s) probably twenty years ago.  Seem to recall the original release of the cars was $50 each...during the great recession back in 2008 and forward for a few years, I bought a few like Shasta mentions for a deal. The open hood and open doors feature was a winner, and the engine under the hood looks realistic...

Last edited by Capetrainman

Morning guys its a nice 3 am here on the west coast and I am taking time to get up to speed on what everyone is doing!

First off thank you all for the kind words on my road way. Paul it is black foamboard from Walmart, best price I could find!

Artie, looks like you have a great start! I am with Lee I hope you will keep us updated on your build!

I hope everyone has a great day and a fun weekend!

This is the boring part: washing parts in detergent to get off the mold release agent, trimming flash off the parts prior to assembly, and figuring how to hold parts while the glue sets. I test sprayed some Tamiya TS-28 olive drab to see how it will look- a little green to my eye. Suggestions?


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@Artie-DL&W posted:

This is the boring part: washing parts in detergent to get off the mold release agent, trimming flash off the parts prior to assembly, and figuring how to hold parts while the glue sets. I test sprayed some Tamiya TS-28 olive drab to see how it will look- a little green to my eye. Suggestions?

Artie', Rustoleum has a color called Olive.  Just plain Olive'.. It is identical  to the real US Army olive Drab'... It comes in a can with an extra 25%, and a custom nozzle.  Works really well...

@Artie-DL&W posted:

This is the boring part: washing parts in detergent to get off the mold release agent, trimming flash off the parts prior to assembly, and figuring how to hold parts while the glue sets. I test sprayed some Tamiya TS-28 olive drab to see how it will look- a little green to my eye. Suggestions?

Artie I’ve tried that it’s greeny looking. I used Testors #1911 Olive drab spray for mine and all my Millitary models just my opinion

@JDFonz posted:

Hi Guys, Been a long time since I’ve posted. Busy with outside stuff. Here’s a Dinky Austin A105, before and after. This toy was produced  one year, 1958. It amazes me how these can be restored. 9951D412-D6B8-4782-B28C-0139FF79BBA9EDFF91FC-8B64-4514-9686-422FE65503AB

Hey Joel'.. was wondering when you'd be back'... As usual beautiful job.  I'm in transition between homes... So nothing from me for a while.  Plus My hard drive crashed on my modeling PC, I lost all my before and after files..... Nice to see you back, how bout a few more shots of this Austin'.....😁

@lee drennen posted:

Ted. Do you have the number off that can of paint you mentioned? I would like to get a can and try it out I like using Rustoleum

Unfortunately, Lee, I'm currently in RI, all my paints are in CT.  If you go to a big box store that has a good selection, you'll see the paint.  I bought three cans in Lowes. It only comes in the large 25% more cans... it is called [Italian Olive]..

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