when I started getting involved in O Gauge, early last year I bought various batches of track, and sorted through for the best. This has left me with a small stock of Fastrack (which I keep for running on the carpet, because it’s new and clean), a fair stock of O27 and a mixed batch of O31.
Further sorting has resulted in a mixed batch of O31 and a definite lack of switches, but I’ve found that O27 switches are easy to find in good condition. I’ve also acquired a small number (3, so far) of O27 switches with O42 exits, and a circle of O27 track in O42 size.
I prefer the look of the smaller O27 track so I’m now progressing towards firming up my O27 “door layout” and constructing a larger running track of O42 with a reversing loop, probably in 9’x5’ on a ping pong table (because it’s handier than an 8’x4’ to handle) so I can run my larger stock occasionally between club nights.
I’d be interested in having a bit more, large radius O27, though. This doesn’t seem plentiful so I’m interested to hear of any sources?