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Well yes, I stupidly tried to slightly bend the cast zinc lantern retainer in one of my old 022 switches, and it snapped into three pieces.

I found online where I can buy a replacement cast metal retainer,  but by the time I buy that, plus the two button rivets that hold the sides of the assembly, and the center rivet that holds the retainer itself, I would be up over $30!.

Heck, I can buy another complete 022 switch for that! 

What should I do here?  Try to replace the lantern retainer, or just give up in advance and buy another switch.  (Problem is, the motor and mechanics on the used one I already have work great.)

GunRunnerJohn, I read a message you posted on another board back in 2011, where you said that you salvaged these retainers out of beaten up switches to use for repairs.  Did you ever post any online "how to" instructions on replacing the retainers and re-setting the three rivets?  (I couldn't find any in the Search section of this board.)

Thanks for all advice and information.


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I broke one of those myself doing the same thing you describe.  I went out and bought the new lantern retainer, but never actually followed through on the repair.  I don't have a rivet press / gun and don't have much use for one outside of this little project.  Plus it was much quicker to buy a new replacement switch online and it showed up right on my doorstep.

My suggestion is to keep the one you have for parts or use it in a location that you cant see.  Go and get  yourself a new switch.  You could probably save a few bucks if you only purchased the motor.

If you intend to follow through on the fix, I can send you the lantern retainer for the cost of shipping - I'm not going to be using it.

Last edited by JD2035RR

Thanks JD and John.

I have a section of my track where two switches must always always be in sync, or else a derailment will occur.     One is in the outside of the layout, which allows the train to enter into the modified figure 8 inside, and the other is near the center, as part of  the modified figure 8.  The switch near the center is situated on a diagonal line, so when I am at my control board on the side of the layout, all I can really see is the corner of the latenrn, with some red and green peeking out on both sides.  Pretty confusing lantern view and not very helpful.  The switch on the outside is right in front of my, with a side-on view, and I can see its lantern perfectly.

So, I think for now, I will put the switch with the broken lantern retainer in the center of the layout, remove the bulb, and wire the control posts to the control posts of the outside switch, so that it is a "slave switch" to the outside switch.    After that, I will just watch the lantern on the outside switch only, and just know that the inside switch will always operate in sync with it.

Thanks for your info and advice


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