Hey guys!
I always wanted to do a TTX on the layout but the 89ft Atlas flats are way to long for my curves and I thought it was out of the question. After seeing Eric Lundgren's excellent TTX series I picked up MSB's 2 books on the subject. I wanted to see what TTX looked like in the mid 60's and was pleased to find that, while there were mostly 89ft cars in pool service, there were still many 50ft cars still on the rails! That's all I needed to get started on something during the summer. Was happy to see Atlas release some trailers in 60's paint schemes in Santa Fe and IC. I had High Ball Graphics do some trailer decals for me in B&O, EL, Reading, ACL, and SOU to start. Will add more to this post in the coming month with more info on modifying the trailers (shortening them) and modifying the Trainman 69ft flat for TTX service (look closely at the flat with the Reading Trailer which is an Atlas trailer shortened to 35ft).
Here's the train in action with the first 15 cars.....(almost had a roll off with the EL trailer!)