I bit the bullet and picked up a BASE3 since they were increasing in price. I figured to get one at some point, so I've reached the point.
After a few false starts, I got the BASE3 System Utility connected and got the WiFi all configured to connect to my home network, now the fun begins. I was happy to see that the BASE2 and my Legacy LCS WiFi happily coexist together on the home network with no apparent clashes. Since the BASE3 is just sitting on the workbench connected to nothing else, I didn't think that should be an issue, and it seems it is not.
As a start, I imported my Legacy database and loaded it onto the BASE3. I found out that I had to power cycle the base 3 for the stuff to all show up properly after the import operation, something I didn't expect. No biggie, moving on.
OK, now I can page through the engines from the Legacy base, all looks pretty reasonable My Legacy base had 40 active engines and the BASE3 only sees 38 active engines, one little oddity.
On to the larger issue.
Lots of my engines are either TMCC or R100 control type, but the engine roster displays everything as Legacy control type.
Here's an example engine, an ERR equipped GG1 coded as R100 control type.
However, the roster happily calls them all Legacy.