@Arnold D. Cribari posted:Love this one.
I can still hear the jingle (usually during a baseball game)… “Schaefer is the one beer to have when you're having more than one”.
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@Arnold D. Cribari posted:Love this one.
I can still hear the jingle (usually during a baseball game)… “Schaefer is the one beer to have when you're having more than one”.
@Apples55 posted:
They did a fantastic job! If I knew they made it, I would have picked one up
@JerryG posted:
Cool space Jerry! I want to drink beer there.
FWIW, there is currently a MTH Coors Silver bullet set on sale on the Bay for $600.
I'd buy it but my friends are still laughing at me for buying Lionel's Phantom set when it came out well over 25 years or so!
@coach joe posted:
Joe, the above 3 classics, Rheingold, Ballantine and Schaefer, are my favorites. Those were the beers that had billboards and commercials during the Yankee and Met games, and probably the NY Giant and Brooklyn Dodger games. Also, my dad drank Ballantine beer with his dinner most every night. Arnold
@coach joe posted:
Mr. Magoo and the New York Central - what a perfect combination
My family had a Delicatessen in Port Jefferson NY, about 1 block from the Harbor, he proudly displayed over 200 local and foreign beers in the store windows. We were, and are a big Lionel family, had these box cars been available in the 60's and on into the late 80's, they would be have been on display. He frequently placed various Matchbox Classic's in the window too, I think they were 1:70 scale (I still have them). And of course, at Christmas, a train ran around the tree. He would have loved the billboard 'spirits' reefers and beer box cars. I am going to go hunting for a few myself. Great looking cars, thanks for sharing.
I still have 5 boxes of beer cans I’ve had for around 50 years. 300 cans or so. Why, I have no idea. I’ve moved them 3 times. Have 3 versions of Olde Frothingslosh. That car is missing the model, the voluptuous miss Fatima Yechburgh.
Shame, that would make one fine mural.
Cheers to the beers, W1
Arnold, thanks for the entertaining video!
I didn't know that they allowed beer near Yankee Stadium...
At $15 a can, beer PAYS for Yankee Stadium! JohnA
No photos yet but I have an MTH Berghoff Beer tanker and an unknown (Crown maybe) Berghoff reefer, both two-rail. I also have a custom-painted Rolling Rock boxcar that a friend "forced" me to buy from him as he claimed to have picked it up at a train show just for me. Right! At least the KD couplers and Athearn trucks were worth a little more than I paid for the car.
@William 1 posted:
I'm not aware of a car being made with Fatima on it, so It will have to be your imagination.
As a kid of the 70's A popular knitting project with all the Buba's after an afghan was to crochet a hat with beer can panels. At least two of my friends had Olde Frothingslosh hats
@Rayin"S" posted:
Hi guys,
I had posted this picture in March of this year, a person on the forum mentioned that he might like to have one of these, I said I would check to see if one might be available. I have come up with a car but I cant find the contact info for the man who was interested. If you still are interested in this car please contact me at my email in my profile.
@Apples55 posted:
Distant cousins in California, Paul, I think they were bought out by Gallo, but guess the Cribari wine name survives.
"Olde Frothingslosh" - the "Pale Stale Ale with the Foam on the Bottom!"
Started as a joke by the Pittsburgh DJ Rege Cordic and was eventually brewed by "Iron City."
MTH is coming out with a new "Olde Frothingslosh" car and I'm awaiting delivery!
ETS Trains from the Czech Republic
Aa we watch this long beer train roll down the tracks, we know we will remain well stocked with all our favorite drafts:
Now we're talking My favorite subjesct
These were some of our special runs
This one is my favorite as it has the name on the roof also
And these are a secret Havent been announced yet LOL
WOW, it's amazing how many great beer cars are out there. I'm a little embarrassed to post my dinky collection of only 4 cars. I include my Vernors car with my beer train because it can be as refreshing as a cold beer some days.
Great thread, many memories. My family had a Delicatessen in Port Jefferson and Dad liked to display the wide variety of Beer he had in stock, generally around 125 different brands. The reefers that are being shown are great...especially that Trommer White Label! Love it. At any rate, Dads beer inventory made for very interesting window displays too, and as Dad also started the family Lionel train collection, the beer was often shown with a short train oval and brass era die-cast cars. The first Deli was in Howard Beach (1941-1961) and the (lower) Port Jeff Deli with trains, beer and cars was sold around 1985. Funny how our little things make for huge memories. Thanks all, be safe.
Great thread. Here's my lot. Boulevard Pale Ale out of Kansas City was the first true craft beer I ever had back in 1990 and I've been a huge fan ever since, so the two BLVD reefers from MTH were must-buys. My Dad would drink a beer or two when he finished mowing the lawn on hot summer days, but my tribute to his preferred spirit is the last pic…
This collection of Budweiser cars is pretty impressive, I picked them up last year in a deal I couldn't refuse. They are On-30 scale and I did have them incorporated into my O gauge layout. So, I hope I don't get into trouble for sharing them here.
There is also a flat car with railings and horses.
I am returning to this hobby (for the past year) after a 30+ year hiatus and the beer refers from ALL the o gauge manufacturers are making me thirsty! I love the look and detail and variety I'm seeing out there. I'm jealous. I've got dozens of "Lionel 9800's" rolling stock, but nothing like those
Sigh... Maybe someday I'll have a wood-sided-reefer train...
THREE beer cars threads going on right now. Too bad since I don't like posting the same images multiple places
Glad to see Olde Frothingslosh mentioned again. Now if MTH is doing a car, it’s gotta have Fatima in a lay down sideways pose across and up and down to fill up the space, so to speak. I can see it now…
@William 1 I have 2 Old Froth cars that I will be posting soon in the other beer thread
@boomer0622 posted:They are On-30 scale and I did have them incorporated into my O gauge layout. So, I hope I don't get into trouble for sharing them here.
There is also a flat car with railings and horses.
I'm definitely going to make sure you get into trouble for posting these Doug..............unless you box them up and send them to me.
Really smart looking collection sir.
There have been lots of beer car threads over the years, so I tried to find a recent one to post my new cars to.
First a TCA Desert Division Atlas 3 bay Hopper. Done for a local brewery in Goodyear, AZ, Saddle Mountain offers all sorts of craft beers. Lots of hops in this car! Desert Division still has these available I believe.
This is another Atlas custom run, but I'm sure for whom. Picked it up at auction. Everyone knows this brand.
Also, since they are not in this thread my other TCA Desert Division beer cars from years past.
Apache Beer 1st Run Car
A1 50' mechanical reefer done in 2021 in two numbers for the TCA DD 50th Anniversary. The other number is 101971. The can is a real steel can that a contractor found inside the masonry wall of a 1947 home I was the architect for on a remodel.
Apache Beer 2nd Run done in two road numbers. I recall the other number being 2301.
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