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Is there a best method to get a bell back into the bracket?  I’m afraid if I slightly bend on one bracket outboard to accomadate the replacement it might brake. I ruined two bells already trying to force them into place without bending a bracket first. Bells are cheap. Breaking the bracket not so much. I know it’s a simple problem. I’m like a bull in a China shop trying to mess with this stuff. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated  



Images (2)
  • IMG_4296
  • IMG_4295
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I 3D printed a new yoke, actually 3 versions depending on the pull wire location.

the brass bell slips up into the new 3D printed clapper.

then cut one side of one support and inserted the other end into the uncut support.

lay the other end of the yoke into the cut support and fill the cut then paint black

engine bellBell yoke side 1

Bell yoke side lever


Images (2)
  • engine bell
  • Bell yoke side 1
Last edited by AlanRail

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