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Good morning everyone!

I know it's early to be talking about Christmas gifts, but I wanted to share this with you all, cause you all had something to do with it! I didn't do anything to do with trains yesterday and here is why!

For the past 3 years I have been battling with stage 4 cancer of the head and neck. I went threw 71/2 weeks of radiation everyday, had surgery on my neck to remove 36 limphnodes, and on top of that I had 2 years of chemo.

It really took its toll as I have lost most of my teeth, 75% of my hearing, about 50% use of my right arm for roatation, and the ability to work full time. Not to mention the hardship put on my wife, kids and brothers and sisters, along with my friend. At one point the Dr. told the wife and I to get things in order cause there was 6 months left! LOL He was WRONG!

Now the Best Christmas Gift EVER! I went to the Hospital yesterday so they could take the PORT they used to give me chemo every week for 2 years. 

I am happy to tell everyone that my cancer is in remission and can not be found! I had a great support group! My wife was there with me everyday along with GOD! My kids when they could, family as much as they could. But here is the best part, because of OGR forum you were all here for me everyday! Days when I didn't want to hear from anyone, do anything, I was always able to come here and be in my own little world! 

I want to take this time to thank you all so very much for putting up with me as you all helped me get where I am today!


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Mike!   That is great news!!!!!  Yes, that is a wonderful Christmas gift!!  I am glad to have been able to help support you via our Forum communications!!    You have been such an encouragement to all of us, and here we did not know how much you and your family were suffering!!  What a great friend you are!  I'll be praying you are able to get back to some kind of normal life!!  May God bless you and your family even more than so far!!

Last edited by Mark Boyce

        WONDERFUL news Mike !!!    that is a great GIFT !!   an early Merry Christmas !!  

I wished I lived closer to help you on your new train room and our pups could hang out !!

     hopefully things come together soon with that !!  can't wait to see your new layout !!

                    thanks again for building those ramps for me, they are awesome !!

                 glad you're doing & feeling better, all the best, talk to you soon, Brian

Last edited by briansilvermustang
Adriatic posted:

  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, and good morning sunshine.

....Thank you for fighting to be here for all of us too Mike. 

   You know what I'm running in celebration. And remember, I just hold on to things waiting for the original owners to ask for their return

Adriatic, that's yours! Its all about sharing and you were kind enough to share with me!

mike g. posted:

Good morning everyone!




Great Holiday Gift!  Congratulations Mike and God Bless.  In 2014 they discovered I had colon cancer, operated and after treatment, I am cancer free.

Old Cannon Cockers  - we are as tough as nails. (6th/29th FA 4th ID VN '68-'70)

You are 110 % Correct! -Family and friends - they make a world of difference! Glad that OGR was, and is, there for you.  

Wow, this is truly the best Gift Ever, a gift of time, and thanks so very much for sharing your secret with us, your OGR Forum Friends. Our love of Railroading gives us a chance to share opinions, thoughts, ideas, about how we view our layouts, our construction technics, our thoughts on new products, simply put a great place for learning.  Your a valuable asset to this group, Thank You for sharing your Victory over cancer with us. Merry Christmas to you, your family, the doctors and nurses that made this gift possible. God is Almighty!

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