I have 5 Altas Geeps I'd like to 2 rail. 3 are GP9's from and early run. 2 are GP7's from a later run. One dummy is 3 rail. One dummy is a 2 rail model. The rest are powered 3 rail models.
One route is the P&D 2201K Repower Kit. I've noticed over the years that the preferred systems seem to be horizontal motor systems. Has anyone converted an Atlas Geep this way? I'm specifically asking about Atlas because I assume the chassis is different from Red Caboose. I need to keep the Atlas chassis because of the paint.
Another route would be to buy dummy Atlas Geeps and use the 2 rail trucks, pilots, and railing. Trucks being the most important.
I doubt that I will be using these to power anything more than a 30 car train. Within the next year, I will probably go DCC.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.