Anybody have any suggestions on how best to clean old dried lube/grease off the wheels? I need something that will not take paint off or damage the loco obviously. Thanks!
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Are you able to disassemble the item? The caked gunk may need to be scraped off with a knife or screw driver. Then Goo Gone or 91% Isopropyl Alcohol may work. Q-Tips, a small rag or a small piece of a paper towel. John in Lansing, ILL
I use Q tips and alcohol with success. Be is an area with air and not closed up in a room. Knife or screwdriver can scratch wheel surface. Take your time and it should work.
awesome thank you
The paint on wheels is delicate and alcohol can stain paints/plastic too.
Lionel recommended naptha for most jobs. You still need to mind some lettering, but I've seen nothing but good on plastic and base paints.
Mineral spirits are another "safer" option.
That said; I use alcohol too. I like using rags more than Q-tips. (a few; 1-wet, 1-dirty dry & 1-clean/dry)
I use a dremel tool with a small wire wheel. Wear eye protection as sometimes a wire bristle will come of the wheel. Does them quick
I am talking about the bottom of the wheels that contact the track not the side walls
I use Goo-Gone and/or CRC 2-26 with cotton swabs.