I would like to get a big boy engine but want a full scale. Can anyone tell me if this is a full scale or not. New to the O Scale hobby and not sure of the nomenclature and number coding. Thanks.
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30- is Railking and usually not scale unless it is called Imperial.
Thanks John: One more thing, the cab is number 4002 and the seller refers to it as Imperial Big Boy set with the three passenger cars. It's tempting.
@Mark 1949 posted:Thanks John: One more thing, the cab is number 4002 and the seller refers to it as Imperial Big Boy set with the three passenger cars. It's tempting.
None of the large steam in the Railking line is scale sized, that includes Imperial. Actually, Imperial doesn't change the semi-scale dimensions of most standard Railking stuff, it just adds better detailing and usually more lighting features. Any Railking Big Boy will be a shadow of the size of a scale Big Boy. The giant clue is the MTH 30-1446-1 run on O31 track, any scale Big Boy runs on O72 track.
That's good information. Thank you for your response.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:None of the large steam in the Railking line is scale sized, that includes Imperial. Actually, Imperial doesn't change the semi-scale dimensions of most standard Railking stuff, it just adds better detailing and usually more lighting features. Any Railking Big Boy will be a shadow of the size of a scale Big Boy. The giant clue is the MTH 30-1446-1 run on O31 track, any scale Big Boy runs on O72 track.
John do you have a video you can post of the Railking BB running on O31?. Curious as to what those turns look like. Lotta wheels with no flanges??
@cngw posted:John do you have a video you can post of the Railking BB running on O31?. Curious as to what those turns look like. Lotta wheels with no flanges??
I don't have a RK BB in house currently, but I've seen a number of them cycle through over the years. The RK articulated locomotives have both power trucks on rotating mounts . That's the same truck design as most Lionel semi-scale articulated locomotives have as well. That's also why the semi-scale models from both manufacturers have dual vertical can motors in the the articulated models where the scale articulated steam has one large motor and a more complex drive train.
My apologies John. Another "age related" boo-boo I guess.
I read this, " The giant clue is the MTH 30-1446-1 run on O31 track, any scale Big Boy runs on O72 track."
As this, " The giant clue is the MTH 30-1446- I run on O31 track, any scale Big Boy runs on O72 track."
The brain saw the -1 as - I.....there is something going on with what brain I have left these days.
That's OK Greg @cngw"
At first glance I thought John was talking about one of his RailKing Big Boys too....but I now know better.
I have both the PS1 and PS3 Big Boy's in RailKing, and only run them on 0 48 curves, and even then the cab of the loco swings wide of the track. Looks a little strange when running, and you have to calculate the clear real estate necessary beside the curves, but that is the widest curve I can manage on my third car garage layout.
Unlike a lot of you guys in the States, we don't have "basements" in our houses here in Australia, nor do we have "attics" in our roofs, so space is usually restricted to a car garage, or a spare room in the house....car garages and outside sheds rule!!!
Peter........Buco Australia.