Originally Posted by Mike W.:
Interesting info. My thoughts were correct that boxcars are still relevant...if not slightly more used today than in the 70's and 80's. Its sad that trucks seem to get what they want when travelling on tax payer supplied roads...larger trailers....retreads that blow and cause danger. If a train wheel broke and sprayed a city street the railroad would be this huge big dangerous enemy. This makes me think of all the oil train issues. I bet you can total the number of deaths on HWYs involving tractor trailers and the number would be far greater than any oil train casualties. Sure some of those accidents are the result of bad auto drivers but the truck still presents the danger.
Mike as a Professional Commercial Driver with 26 YEARS/2,000,000++ Miles Experience, I don't even know what to say to this except WOW.
As far as those "Taxpayer Supplied Roads" the average commercial vehicle pays MORE in HWY Taxes than in a year than you pay for FUEL, never mind your actual fuel tax. Commercial vehicles are "Taxpayers" too.
The Railroads do own and maintain their right of ways, but there are more RR subsidies than most realize. The RR's do NOT operate completely free of government subsidies.
SOME of those accidents are the result of bad auto drivers, but the TRUCK still presents the DANGER????
NO, the BAD DRIVERS(both Truck AND Auto) Present the Danger. The last statistic that I have seen placed approximately 76% of the blame in Auto/Commercial vehicle accidents squarely on the AUTO driver.
I realize that this is a TRAIN specific forum, and as such, I expect some slanted points of view, but you would probably be Surprised just how many Truck Drivers are Rail Fans.
Comparing Commercial Vehicle/auto stats to OIL Train stats, isn't even an Apples/Oranges comparison. How many oil trains(or any trains) does the average motorist even see in a day? and those are on a separate right of way. How many trucks is the average motorist within 5-10 FEET of, cutting off, and doing other stupid things around each day, THAT number is TRULY STAGGERING.
Have you seen the "Give Trucks More Room" signs that have become common in the last 5 years or so? There is a REASON for those signs, the way auto drivers cut off large vehicles has become a SERIOUS safety issue.
The unsafe passing distance issue has become serious enough in the state of Washington, that, the State Patrol will periodically have Troopers do Ride Alongs with Truck drivers, and when(NOT IF) an Auto makes an unsafe lane change in front of a truck, the Trooper radios patrol cars to make the stop/issue the citations.
Given the choice, I would rather be on a HWY full of Large trucks, than autos, sure there will still be some Bad Drivers out there, but the PERCENTAGE of Bad Drivers would be a LOT Lower.